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In modern conditions, almost any woman is forced to combine her career and professional growth and family responsibilities (household life, raising children, caring for her husband). And as you understand, such a volume of affairs and functions does not have the best effect on the emotional atmosphere in the family and the level of satisfaction with the family life of its members. Today, in modern European families, everyday issues are increasingly distributed evenly between spouses, which, on the one hand, distributes responsibility, and on the other hand, it brings a woman to a new level of decision-making (more serious and significant). In the professional field, the responsibilities of men in the field of management and decision-making are equally assumed by women, so the problem of leadership is becoming increasingly relevant, and family life does not bypass. As psychologists, we are increasingly faced with family problems associated with impossibility and unwillingness its members seek compromises in controversial situations and make concessions to each other. What underlies these conflicts and how to overcome them? As you know, there are two main types of leaders: “formal” and “informal”. In a family, we can also divide all its participants according to this principle, and, as a rule, the man is the “formal” leader (openly making decisions), and the woman is the “informal” leader (remains in the shadows, but has power and authority). It should be noted that this situation for family relationships is considered the most successful and conflict-free, and it takes a lot of strength and skillful wisdom on the part of a woman to create in a man the feeling of being the leader in the family, while remaining in second position. But, unfortunately, such stories rarely happen in our families, and most often we encounter other behavioral models: A woman is a leader. A marriage in which the wife constantly demonstrates her superiority and does not take into account the opinion of her husband. The man is the leader. A marriage in which, as a rule, the man enjoys success in society and at work, has complete control over all major areas of family life and does not need outside advice. Both partners are leaders. The most difficult family situation, often leading to divorce. Everyone is trying to prove their superiority and convince them of the correctness of their opinion. Such behavior, as a rule, leads to mutual irritation, discontent and quarrels. There is no leader in the family. Such families are also doomed to failure, simply because someone has to make decisions and take responsibility. Many psychologists mistakenly try to highlight an additional model of so-called “equal” relationships, but in our opinion this is a utopian illusion and in any relationship, sooner or later, a dominant hidden or obvious leader is revealed. Speaking about the problems of leadership in the family, it is worth noting a number of points: The model of relationships in the family is formed from the first days of life together. Therefore, it is worth paying attention from the very beginning: how your relationships develop, how you distribute responsibility and make common decisions for the family. If at this stage you have controversial issues, you should not expect that everything will resolve itself over time, you need to talk and discuss what the problem is and how best to resolve it. Any leadership message should be primarily beneficial for all members family, and not for someone alone. Forming your leadership position, first of all, is not an opportunity to humiliate and insult another, it is the need to take responsibility for decisions made regarding the well-being of the family. You should not consider the family as a battlefield for your position. You shouldn’t expect flexibility and loyalty from men if it wasn’t there in the first place and you were ready for it. You shouldn’t bend to your partner’s opinion if it categorically doesn’t suit you, but for some reason you’re afraid to tell him about it. If you want a calm and fair atmosphere in the family, you should learn to listen, convey your thoughts correctly and clearly, and be able to find a compromise even in the most difficult situations.