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Coronavirus and the world inside me. Now, during the period of “obsession” with information about coronavirus, the most important thing is not to panic. On this I completely agree with the author of the note “Keeping my world” Dmitry Kot. Here are some excerpts from it: “The most difficult thing now is not to sway on the emotional swing of panic. I myself gave in yesterday. And then I remembered how I went to Shaolin Camp, and the monk told me that one of the main principles of life is “Keep my peace”... And it is also very important to convey to everyone around you that you are now in the period of “Keep my peace” and convey this is for people. So please save your peace!” In any crisis and some unfavorable events, there is always the second side of the “coin”, that is, those opportunities that should be seen and taken advantage of. For example, now is a favorable time to stop in the frantic rhythm of life and think about your inner world, about your values ​​and priorities, that is, “immerse” yourself, explore your “I”. But you should not turn life into “self-isolation” informationally. You just need to “filter” the incoming information in accordance with your internal priorities, needs, values. Many cultural events during the coronavirus pandemic have been transferred online: theatrical performances, opera and ballet performances, films, viewing exhibitions of the Tretyakov Gallery and other museums. Until mid-April 2020, you can watch all this completely free of charge! An excellent opportunity for cultural enrichment and self-development! Filling yourself with calm, maintaining peace within yourself will give you the opportunity to simultaneously create a “field of calm and goodwill” around you, which will have a positive impact on your immediate environment. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into the “emotional swing” of panic, turn to your inner wisdom and common sense! Various breathing and meditative practices and creative activities can help you with this. You can, for example, use my practice “Healing Energy Within Us.” This meditation will not take more than 10-12 minutes of your time. It will immerse you in deep relaxation, allow you to come into contact with your inner world, and increase the protective immune forces within the body. To listen to it, please follow this link. https://www.b17.ru/media/12730/ . I will be glad to receive your feedback if the article was useful. With respect and love for you, psychologist, specialist in emotional-imaginative therapy Natalia Antonova.