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All of our social contacts in the form of dialogues and other verbal relationships can be quite successful. But this is only if we understand the purpose of our communication and are able to show interest in this process. To a greater extent this applies to the field of business communication, but also, of course, in personal relationships. Although in the second case everything is much more complicated due to greater emotionality and bias, in the end. When considering the roles of participants in the field of communication on a public platform, on the Internet, for example, or in personal communication, one should not lose sight of the goals of the participants in these activities. And this role (criticism, friend, debater or broadcaster of truths) is not always constant. There are, of course, such concentrated types who are in their chosen image constantly, indiscriminately in time and place. More often, it is common for a person to change his representative masks depending on his goals and social roles. Is there always a goal in conversations, speeches, and dialogues? In fact, a person does not always formulate goals for himself. They told me to speak at the conference, so I speak. They asked at the meeting, and I answered. What is there to be clever about? But no. Without building your own goals, you are forced to reach the finish line, one way or another, wasting your time and energy. But goals, goals don’t go anywhere, they’re just alien. You achieve the goals of people who have them, who are able to articulate them and activate you to achieve them. Can we always get away with this? Yes, no, perhaps. But try to define your own goals and decide for yourself what problems participation in this or that communication will help solve, of course. We were offered to speak at the conference, representing our company, and we are trying to determine our own goals for such participation. For example, like this. This can help me develop my speaking skills, learn how to better interact with audiences, establish new business contacts and present my professional qualities. Therefore, how will a person behave at this conference, taken as an example? That's right, he will prepare his speech responsibly, will actively ask competent questions, listen carefully to other speakers, and actively communicate in the audience and on the sidelines. This tactic also plays into the hands of the company’s management, which invited this employee to speak at the conference. On the other hand, someone who has not formulated any special goals tries to quickly get rid of the assignment, sits out the entire program and is in a hurry to serve his duty as quickly as possible. This approach is unlikely to be effective for those who delegated it. Thus, it is necessary to set goals in these and other cases, living the processes consciously and with benefit, for yourself and others. Author's blog on LiveJournal Author's channel on Telegram