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Sometimes there is a situation where they offer us something, for example, to buy something or do some business (bringing your own option is welcome!), They begin to convince us of the advantages of the proposed enterprise, in its prospects, benefits and so on. And we may even begin to doubt whether to agree or not, although somewhere in the depths of our souls (or maybe not even in the depths, but very clearly) we understand that we don’t want this, we have our own interests, desires, plans, after all, that we want to follow. And we can not only begin to doubt, but, for example, also give arguments against the proposal, arguments in defense and support of our desires and ideas (since sometimes the other side shows persistence; this is understandable, it needs something). Why should we do this? For what? Have you ever wondered? How do you act in such situations or do you recommend doing so? Share in the comments? I would be grateful! For my part, I want to say that in such situations, if, of course, we are not directly asked to tell why it is so important for us to defend our own and why we so do not want to accept someone else’s, we can simply say that we want this is how we don’t want this and that. And in terms of sufficiency and completeness of argumentation, this is quite enough, forgive the tautology. And there is no need to prove anything to anyone or argue. Well, you can, of course, briefly talk about the reason for the refusal. But in general, our desire (or preferences) is the most important argument in such situations. We have the right to do what we want. And the other wants something else and he has the right to it, but this does not mean that we owe him anything from this. If you do not want to offend the other person when refusing, then this will not work, unfortunately, since refusal is always at least a little Yes, it hurts if we deny a person something that is really important to him. Here, if we want to reduce this offense, we must go through a polite, tactful, respectful communication of our position to the interlocutor. But again, if we are not asked, it is apparently not worthwhile to specifically go into all the details. In general, it is also important to look at the situation. I have already written a lot about how to communicate correctly, if such a word is appropriate, so now I will not go into these details, with your permission. These are my thoughts. Thank you for your attention! I look forward to your comments! And see you!