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From the author: The presented material is taken from the book by R. Kociunas “Fundamentals of Psychological Counseling.” The article highlights the main ideas of counseling antisocial individuals. Asociality is one of the most complex and prognostically unfavorable personality disorders, which are manifested not so much by various symptoms as by behavioral disorders. The consultant should know that an antisocial personality is not just another person. She is radically different from others - in her attitude towards herself and other people, her goals in life. “An antisocial personality looks at other people as a source of danger or pleasure, without paying attention to their safety, convenience, pleasure. She experiences her own impulses as urgent and inexorable, postponing the implementation of which or replacing them with something else is unthinkable. Satisfaction of impulses leads to promiscuity, a state of satiety, but not to the experience of happiness with its inherent feeling of increased self-esteem. The antisocial personality is impatient, focused on immediate pleasure, guided by immediate impulses and is unable to tolerate a delay in satisfying needs. She may steal because she does not have money with her at the moment or simply does not want to bother herself with getting what she wants legally. The threat of punishment does not deter people from antisocial actions. Impulsivity in satisfying needs is accompanied by attacks of aggressiveness in situations of frustration. Due to the lack of empathy, aggressive reactions are characterized by cruelty, even sadism. An antisocial personality is not able to establish close interpersonal relationships. Asocial individuals can only take from others, but do not want to sacrifice anything. They focus solely on themselves and do not perceive other people as having rights and feelings. For them, other people are only a means to achieve their own goals. Antisocial individuals rarely go to a consultant of their own free will. From the very beginning of counseling, such clients tend to deceive consultants, especially inexperienced ones, with their external charm and imaginary goodwill. The consultant can become an object of manipulation by the client. In this sense, for an inexperienced consultant, an antisocial personality is dangerous. An antisocial personality has a tendency to avoid responsibility for unacceptable behavior through rationalization and shift the blame to others (projection). When working with antisocial clients, it is very important for a consultant to identify his feelings at any time and rely on them , because this is the only means to avoid manipulation by the client and get the job done without paying attention to great difficulties.