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“I compare with others all the time” - usually with this phrase, sighing sadly, the client sums up his tirade about dissatisfaction with himself and a constant feeling of uncertainty😖 Let’s not dive into the reasons and stir up childhood traumas and delve into the jungle of family systems and child psychology. Let's better figure out how you can work with this yourself😎first of all, you need to recognize the fact that comparing yourself to others is NORMAL, and breathe out😅don't listen to the “enlightened” heresy: we live in a society and it is quite natural that our brain periodically “checks notes” The problem usually lies not in the comparison itself, but in the fact that it is almost always not in your favor. But we, as adults, absolutely understand that there is and will always be someone more successful, richer, more beautiful, younger, etc. But... we continue to compare. What’s the matter? The lack of self-worth and the inability to “lose,” that is, to withstand any, even half-fictional, reason to think that something is wrong with you. Try to ask yourself the question “so what?” 3-5 times, and you will see how ridiculous even the logical chain itself is.🧠:Masha is more beautiful (richer, smarter) than me. So what? That means I’m worse than her, I’m ugly. So what? I’m a loser🥲So what? ))…➡apply this simple technique every time, and gradually you will understand how ridiculous your train of thought is - or at least identify your true triggers. Destructive logical chains, by the way, the brain gradually cuts off on its own, that’s how it works 😉 usually the problem of comparing oneself with others suffers not so much from those who constantly faced this in childhood, but from those who have a toxic environment now. Think about who in your life makes you think that there is something wrong with you? Comparisons that are not in our favor usually make us feel both envy and a sense of our own inferiority. At these moments, we fall into our traumas and assess the situation from the position of an offended child, and not an adequate Adult. Envy is not such a bad thing, in fact, if we know how to use it as fuel. Ask yourself the question: “what can I do about it?” and try to make a specific plan: step 1, step 2, step 3...🧠: and again, Masha is still more beautiful than me. Okay, what can I do? Perhaps it would be nice to lose 5 kilograms (okay, 10 ) and take care of your hair. Okay, let's make a step-by-step plan: walks, nutrition, sports, sign up for a salon... Why is this necessary? Each time we act on a new strategy, we retrain our brain, and instead of destructively judging ourselves and envying the conditional Masha, we start tune in to ACTION, thereby stimulating the production of dopamine for further purposes✨This is exactly how - and ONLY this way - new thinking is formed 😉Techniques for independent psychological development are available on my telegram channel to get a complete base of techniques for any request (both client and for independent study) write in private messages or telegram