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One of the basic human emotions is fear. Socially this emotion is not approved; it is considered unhelpful, shameful, harmful and, in the opinion of some parents, dangerous. Literally a few decades ago, they fought fear with all means - with medication, if a positive attitude towards the achievements of science of that time was transmitted in the family, and in unconventional ways: they went to their grandmothers - witches, made conspiracies and performed various manipulations with children who had experienced fear. If we talk about adults experiencing their fears and transmitting their internal emotional experiences and anxieties, as well as phobic disorders to their own children, this is also the reason for the “nurturing” of family fears. In the good old days, adults treated fear with religious rituals and folk methods of changing consciousness (mead, fermented kvass, and a little later moonshine). So is fear useful or not? Millions of years ago, during the era of the emergence of Homo sapiens (homosapiens), natural selection was clearly monitored as never before. Those individuals that survived were those that had good quality food, were not torn to pieces by predators, and had a dry and warm home. Fear as an emotion contributes to the development of observation, attentiveness, speed of reaction, adaptability, memory, logical thinking. This emotion assumes the predominance of excitement over relaxation when choosing the behavioral model of “escaping from fear” not only using motor activity, but also a mental carousel of obsessive thoughts and images synthesized in the consciousness and subconscious. This emotion provokes disruptions in the possibility of a healthy change between passive and active activity, balance and trust in relation to the world. Work with preschoolers whose parents have complaints about perseverance, concentration, sleep disturbances, increased motor activity, cyclical behavior with sudden mood swings, will begin with a question to diagnose problems with fears. Working in this direction gives sustainable and effective results. Moreover, the most effective are family preventive measures, where all family members receive a vector aimed at working with fear. A preschooler who does not want to go to kindergarten (fear of abandonment by a significant adult, fear of loneliness, fear of the unknown and even fear of emotional pain when peers or educators do not meet the child’s expectations and make intolerable demands. Fear entails various unconstructive consequences in behavior: aggression or auto-aggression - when a child indiscriminately hits everyone and everything around him, he can even hit the floor or his head on a locker. Fear creates whiny behavior or. phase of numbness, freezing. Over-adaptive mechanisms make the baby’s behavior similar to manipulation. For example, he screams until he is picked up or until he is given a toy or a favorite treat. He hits adults and children in order to understand and understand the boundaries of what is permitted. to understand the physical properties of materials and, again, to understand and remember the social response to their own behavior. Preschool children, if their development follows a healthy algorithm of parental support, experience a healthy interest in the world around them, develop emotional intelligence, including through living through all types of fears and other emotions. Children learn to assert their boundaries and respect the boundaries of those around them. Children identify themselves with the personality of a significant adult or peer and accept their difference from other people. So, a five-step recommendation for parents when working with the fears of a preschooler. Name (type) the fear; if there are problems with speech development, then depict or draw your fear Play with fear ( using gaming skills, the child will reduce the intensity of emotions) Add motor practices (conquer your fear, run away from fear) Make friends with your fear. give him a gift. Children especially love