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From the author: Natalia Eremenko - journalist, PR specialist, training organizer, head of the school of interpersonal development “Academy of Love” (Kharkov, Ukraine) “You are always and everywhere on time. You can afford it. You’re a Woman,” said Olga Golikova when one of the girls entered the hall, embarrassedly apologizing for her lateness. And she added: “You came and it all began. You leave and everything will end.” The training called “Sacred Femininity” became a real revelation for me. It’s not that I didn’t feel like a woman before, no: I don’t work in men’s jobs, I don’t hammer nails in an apartment. Everything in life turned out as it should: male admirers, then a husband, a child, a favorite job... And yet, after the first training (and then I could not deny myself the pleasure of taking it again and then getting to the second stage) I felt as if they had been trying to deceive me all my life. And a Woman is not just a beautiful well-groomed appearance, a toned ass and good taste. Yes, of course, this is exaggerated, but how do we usually “take” men if not the above-mentioned qualities, brought to perfection through hard training and the endless race for fashion and another education? When Olga first said the phrase: “A man comes to a woman for one thing – energy,” I didn’t quite understand its meaning. But after two and a half days of energetic feminine practices, I felt inside me something that had never been seen there before: calmness, confidence in my own uniqueness and endless love for “the person closest to me” - myself. And from here comes an endless opportunity to give happiness to everyone around us. Yes, we Women often live in the interests of other people: children, parents, husbands, in the worst case, boss or employees. And in this desire to make everyone around happy (we know HOW!) we forget to receive our own satisfaction from life. But in order to make those around us happy, we, Women, must first fill ourselves. “If mom feels good, everyone around feels good too,” Olga borrowed this phrase from Alexey Nekrasov’s book “Marriage is Dead... Long Live the Family!” and filled it with the deepest meaning. “A woman is the Sun. You shine - everything shines. You went out and everything around went out too.” It was this inner light that each of us kindled during the training, diving deep into ourselves with the help of women’s meditations, realizing our true desires, answering the question “What do I want?” 100, or even 200 times, relieving muscle and mental tension with the help of soft feminine yoga. “Many women live with a vagina in their forehead - they think all the time. They turn into men, starting to play by their rules. And your great feminine task: to learn to live with feelings,” Golikova said, giving us practice in working with her feminine center. During the process, some cried, and some sobbed bitterly, perhaps for the first time in their lives, having felt (and not read in a smart book) what it means to be a Woman. “A beautiful woman is a relaxed woman” is Olga Golikova’s favorite phrase. “And to relax, you need to stop thinking about HIM 48 hours a day and immerse yourself in your own feelings. And then HE will always feel good with you. There is nothing more pleasant for a man than to see a happy woman next to him, who has stopped torturing herself with stress.” It’s hard to believe, but completely different creatures left the training. Bright, gentle, accepting and aware of the divinity of their birth. Natalya Eremenko, head of the project “School of Relationships “Academy of Love” www.tantris.org.ua, organizer of trainings and festivals of yoga, tantra in Kharkov and Ukraine based on materials from Olga Golikova’s trainings “Sacred Femininity” based on materials from Olga Golikova’s trainings “Sacred Femininity”»