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Values ​​are the heart and soul of ACT therapy. All processes for developing psychological flexibility revolve around values, the main principles of life. Why are values ​​so important?1. Values ​​as the direction of life. Values ​​create meaning and purpose in our lives. Values ​​are essentially the guiding light that leads to a fulfilled life.2. Values ​​as a motivator. Awareness and understanding of personal values ​​helps you stay on the path to a meaningful and preferred life, and will motivate you to keep going, even when difficulties and problems arise. When you know value, it is easier to stay on track when life's circumstances get confusing and lead you away.3. Values ​​as a source of strength. Living in accordance with personal values ​​gives a feeling of being filled with the power to act and create.4. Values ​​as the basis for an action plan. When you have clear values, it is easy to formulate an action plan, a set of sequential steps to achieve values-based goals. Knowing who you want to be, what you want to stand for, allows you to live a purposeful life in both good times and bad. What can prevent you from living according to personal values? - Struggling with problems and unpleasant feelings - Stress, the routine of everyday life can lead you off course in a value-based life. At this moment, it is easy to start wasting energy on avoiding problems, getting stuck in them and losing touch with your values ​​- Merging with the past or fantasies about the future. Often we worry about the past or future instead of connecting with the present moment and seeing something important for ourselves in this moment - Negative self-evaluation. The habit of looking at yourself through the prism of insufficient results and losing sight of what is valuable most How are values ​​and goals related? Values ​​are significant directions in life, what is important in life and what kind of person you want to be. Goals are specific actions that need to be performed in order to realize values. Values ​​are WHAT is important and meaningful to us in our lives, and goals are HOW we get it. Movement without values ​​is like movement without a compass. Living with unclear values ​​is movement without a map, without a plan. Yes, you can move, but where and how long it will take is unknown. It's easy to take the wrong path, get confused, go in circles, and it can take a very long time. Of course, you can live without clear guidelines, but it will be a much less pleasant and effective path than with values. How does the lack of clear values ​​manifest itself in clients? The client strived for goals that society values: wealth, a prestigious profession. It turns out that he lived by the values ​​of society, which were more likely the values ​​of his parents and wife, and not his personal values. He believed that he should be happy in a way that was not close to him, and in fact, he was not happy because he was not aware of his personal values. Values ​​clarification allowed the client to understand what direction to move in and how to bring his personal values ​​into his current life.