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Family life is not only joy and happiness, but also trials and crises. It is important to be able to recognize and overcome them in order to maintain harmony and intimacy in relationships. A family crisis is a period when the relationship between spouses becomes especially difficult and tense. This can be caused by various reasons, such as financial difficulties, the birth of a child, infidelity, job loss or other stressful situations. To simplify it to the point of banality, a family crisis is when circumstances have changed, and we as a couple have not been able to come to an agreement. Classifications Family crises can be classified according to several criteria: By time of occurrence: Early crises: occur in the first years of marriage, are associated with the adaptation of partners to each other and to a new role in the family. Middle crises: occur after several years of marriage, associated with birth and raising children, changes in career, changes in values ​​and expectations from marriage. Late crises: occur at later stages of family life, associated with children leaving the family, changing roles of spouses, loss of loved ones, health problems. For reasons of occurrence: External crises: arise due to the influence of environmental factors, for example, loss of a job, moving, illness of a loved one. Internal crises: arise due to changes within the family, for example, the birth of a child, infidelity, conflicts between spouses. By the nature of the impact: Mild crises: not require significant changes in the life of a family, can be overcome with the help of communication and mutual assistance of partners. Medium crises: require changes in the relationships of partners, reorganization of family life, and may require the help of a specialist. Severe crises: can lead to the destruction of a family, require serious work on oneself and in their relationships, the help of a specialist is often necessary. Periodization Family crises can be divided into several stages corresponding to different periods of family life: Family creation crisis (1-2 years): Associated with this period is an adaptation crisis, when partners get used to each other and to a new role in family. Conflicts are possible due to differences in habits, values ​​and expectations. Crisis of the birth of the first child (3-6 years): The period when spouses are faced with new responsibilities and duties associated with the birth of a child. Problems may arise due to differences in approaches to education, financial difficulties, lack of time. Crisis of school age children (7-9 years): This is the period when children become more independent and actively communicate with the outside world. Parents may have problems rethinking their roles in the family. Crisis of adolescence in children (10-14 years old): Children are entering adolescence, which requires parents to learn new parenting methods. Problems may arise due to differences in values ​​and life priorities of the spouses. Crisis of children leaving the family (15-19 years old): Children are preparing for independent life, and parents may experience a feeling of emptiness and loss. This can cause depression, increased conflicts between spouses, and the emergence of new problems. “Empty nest” crisis (after 20 years): Children completely leave the family, and spouses need to find new interests and activities. This can lead to increased conflicts, disappointment in relationships, and the need to find a new meaning in life. To overcome family crises, it is important to be aware of their presence, understand their causes and consequences, and strive to communicate and solve problems together with a partner. In some cases, it may be useful to ask for help. To sign up for a consultation, click SIGN UP (If you realize that the first consultation went past you, then I will return the money for it)