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Continuing the topic, I will begin a series of articles with hysterical personalities. It is not for nothing that hysterical (demonstrative) personalities are called demonstrative. They are distinguished by a desire to communicate with people, the need for self-demonstration, egocentrism, a penchant for creative professions due to the developed right hemisphere of the brain, insufficient focus of activity, rapid mental fatigue, poor tolerance of boredom, monotony. The main psychological defenses of hysterical personalities: repression, regression, sexualization, identification, demonstrativeness. Oddly enough, the same psychological defenses of the individual can bring both benefit and harm to their owner. With moderate severity, they will promote adaptation (serve as compensatory mechanisms), and with strong severity they will disrupt the adaptive process. The moderate action of the repression mechanism allows hysterical individuals not to dwell on failures and unpleasant memories. Due to the repression of alarming signals, there is no accumulation of negative experience, because people quickly forget about it. This allows you to maintain positive self-esteem and social activity, it is easier to forget grievances and get along with people. Hysterical personalities easily flare up emotionally, but also easily withdraw. With the severity of repression, which can take on the character of denial, a person’s behavior becomes too free, not feeling the boundaries of other people and his own, the ability to extract experience from past circumstances is lost, resulting in “stepping” on the same “rake”, denial dangers, unreasonable risks, excessive idealization of others, gullibility. When denying the merits of others as a result of feeling a threat to one’s self-esteem, a tilt towards narcissistic depreciation, egocentrism, oppositional behavior may occur. Difficulties may be denied, an overestimation of one’s capabilities may occur, which means that the activities of hysterical individuals may be unsystematic, insufficiently focused, and there may be a rapid fading of interest in them, in people. Sexualization, if conscious and purposeful, can also contribute to success with the opposite sex. When this defense is expressed, conflicts and even rape often occur, because men, for example, interpret a woman’s sexualized behavior as a call to action, while a woman simply wanted attention or a softening of a reprimand for some professional misstep. Moderate regression, when, for example, a woman at times demonstrates weakness, defenselessness, “girlish” behavior can be interpreted by men like femininity. When this defense is expressed, the behavior is more reminiscent of infantilism. Hysterical personalities are themselves very suggestible, and are also capable of exerting a hypnotic effect on others. With moderate action of the identification mechanism, they can easily join the interlocutor and have a suggestive effect on him. When this defense is expressed, hysterical individuals merge with other people like chameleons, up to the loss of their own identity. With moderate severity of demonstrativeness, there may be a desire for leadership, achievement, brightness of appearance or mind, expressiveness. In case of excessive expression and decompensation - focusing the attention of the environment on one’s physical condition, shocking, pretentious behavior, scandalousness. Factors of decompensation (leading to the breakdown of defenses and maladaptation): demands for order, strict subordination, lack of communication and attention, increased stress, disruption of relationships with loved ones environment, monotonous activity. Hysterical personalities are effective in work that requires varied, broad, but relatively short contacts with people, in creative, scientific circles, they can successfully work in the service sector if they receive sufficient approval, they can write successfully, and generate interesting ideas. Great for work related to: +7 919 324 75 26.