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This is the second article on the topic of emotions and what to do with them. Start here. Since fear underlies all other unpleasant feelings that I will write about later, I will start with this emotion. At different points in life, fear visits everyone. But not everyone can cope with it quickly. To understand how to overcome fear, you need to understand what the purpose of this emotion is. Imagine that you are walking through the forest. Suddenly, a bear appears from behind a tree. Most likely, the primary impulse will be to run away, because you are in danger. While the bear is nearby, your heart will beat quickly, your breathing will be rapid, and your muscles will be tense. Everything is aimed at getting to a safe place as quickly as possible. As soon as you are no longer threatened, the fear will pass. That is, fear, firstly, signals that something bad and dangerous may happen. Secondly, it motivates us to take care of ourselves and be safe. Someone will say: “Okay, everything is clear with the bear. But why am I scared to go into my boss’s office, even though he’s not going to eat me?” If there is fear, then there is a threat. For example, the boss may fire me, and I will be left without work and without money. This is a threat to your safety. “Okay, what should we do then? You can run away or attack from a bear if you have a gun. What about the boss? It is necessary to create conditions under which you feel safe. For example, have additional sources of income, create a financial cushion. Does it seem difficult? Yes, it's not easy. But this is the principle - if you want to get rid of fear, create a safe environment for yourself. The ability to correctly identify the source of fear is the key to resolving it. If you go into your boss’s office and tell him everything you think about him, then this will only help in one case - when you are afraid of this particular person, and there are no other sources of fear in this situation. If the root fear is to be left without money, then not only will the feeling not go away, but disappointment will be added to it, because... you took action, but it did not solve the problem, but only made it worse. It is important that fear is not always a strong emotion. Anxiety, worry, and uncertainty are also manifestations of fear. The only difference is less intensity. The more often you listen to yourself, the easier it will be to recognize what exactly lies behind even mild anxiety. Conclusions: - For fear to pass it is necessary: ​​a) accurately determine the source of the threat; b) take steps to stay safe. - Fear is our assistant. It signals that something threatens us and forces us to take measures to be safe. - Fear always points to a solution to a problem. If we hear what we are afraid of, then the answer will automatically come what needs to be done. Have a good mood!