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Who needs a dual? Socionics is very attractive for its simplicity and knowledge, practical applicability. So, the best person to create a couple is considered to be a dual who has all the qualities you lack. It sounds like a fairy tale - and they lived happily ever after!!! But what happens in real life? In real life, there are quite a few dual couples among couples. Mostly pairs: intuitive with intuitive, sensory with sensory. Why? Because it’s the easiest thing - you already have some point of support, some similar feeling of life and priorities. So, to sensory people, intuitives may seem to be flying in the clouds, and to sensory intuitives, sensory people may seem too mundane and material. The first difficulty is simply starting to communicate with a person of the opposite quality. You may not even like such people and may not arouse any interest. Some, starting to apply socionics in life, simply force themselves to communicate with their dual and will get a taste of communication only at the second or third meeting. The second difficulty is associated with psychology, with internal attitudes and programs. Let’s assume that a man grew up in a family with an authoritarian mother who raised him one. After this, the man chooses for himself as a life partner not a dual, but an auditor who destroys him morally - this expresses a subconscious desire to defuse a traumatic situation. And until our internal blocks are discharged, we will choose those who do not suit us or a person with different values .In order to choose a dual, you must first of all be healthy and healed from neuroses, limiting beliefs, and other things. Dualization is not a panacea or a magic pill and is not at all the key to 100% happiness. A dual is simply the most suitable partner compatible with the type of information metabolism. In dual communication, people see themselves as in a mirror - their positive and negative qualities. And with a dual, the fastest and highest-quality elaboration of one’s negative qualities is possible - the dual constantly highlights them with its very presence. Therefore, dualization is a luxury that only spiritually developed people can live through, who know how to take responsibility and face the truth. A dual is like cool racing car, but if you don’t have a license, don’t have enough experience, don’t have confidence, then don’t even approach it, just watch from the sidelines!!! Otherwise, you will simply crash this car and yourself. Dual for the strong in spirit!