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Usually people associate aggression only with something negative and destructive. It is believed that aggressiveness as a character trait of a person is his flaw. There are a lot of aggressive people in the modern world, so what? Does this mean they are all bad? Many aggressive people become successful entrepreneurs, public figures and active citizens because they have learned to draw strength from within themselves, from their own aggression. Alexander Lowen, a student of psychoanalyst Reich and an American psychologist, had his own idea of ​​aggression. He understood aggression as forward movement, as a source of strength! This is one of our basic energies, which, according to Lowen, is the only engine, the driving force in humans. How does this happen? The human body receives a charge (take as an example any life situation that caused a certain reaction in you). Accordingly, the body performs spatial movement, that is, aggression. The body strives for something. This charge that the body has received occurs in the back, especially in the area of ​​the back muscles of the legs and arms, because they are responsible for moving towards the goal. Let's summarize: aggression is the ability to achieve what we want. We feel energy and use it to get what we want. Of course, sometimes what is desired is achieved through socially unacceptable methods used by criminals. Yes, they are also aggressive. But aggression is also shown by an entrepreneur who has not had a deal and is furiously trying to find new suppliers of goods within 24 hours. And he finds it! Forces helped him in this - forces from aggression. Accordingly, aggression has a constructive function. The opposite of aggression can be considered passivity, when a person waits for something to be done for him. Therefore, when you feel anger, a desire to show aggression, think - where can you use this force? What is useful to invest it in? Learn to appreciate the energy that comes into your body. What matters is not where it comes from (from negative experiences, from positive ones...), what matters is how it can be effectively applied!