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At what age does a child have a more or less formed personality? Age three years - the beginning of the emergence of self-awareness in a child. Age 4-5 years - the child is fully aware of himself as an individual with certain characteristics and behavior. A child who feels himself as an individual requires a different educational approach; he builds communication with those around him differently people. Six personality traits of a child.1. Freedom of behavior. The development of a child’s free behavior is facilitated by: developmental child-parent communication; non-authoritarian child-parent communication; love, understanding, tolerance; orderliness of family life. Indicators of the normal development of a child’s freedom of behavior: the child’s understanding of the need for choice; independent search for a way to achieve a goal; independent choice of means. achieving a goal; striving for free will.2. Creativity (the ability to create something new). The development of a child’s creativity is facilitated by: the development of the child’s perception, imagination, thinking, and memory; the development of the child’s voluntary behavior; the development of the child’s erudition and awareness; the development of the child’s independence. 3. Self-awareness The development of a child’s self-awareness is facilitated by: the child’s awareness of his place in the system of relationships with adults, the ability to maintain a certain distance between himself and people; positive assessment by parents of activities that are significant for the child; the child’s understanding of his limited capabilities; arbitrariness, safety, responsibility; developed sense of self-esteem; developed cognitive activity of the child.4. Initiative The development of a child’s initiative is facilitated by: the friendly attitude of adults towards the child; developed curiosity, inquisitiveness of mind and ingenuity; parents’ focus on reasonable and morally justified initiative. Indicators of a child’s proactive behavior: knows how to find something to do; knows how to organize a game; strives for meaningful communication.5. Responsibility Indicators of a child's responsible behavior: exercises the right to make independent decisions; has the right to choose; has a degree of expression of will. The development of a child's responsibility is facilitated by: clear definition of parental requirements: mutual understanding in the dyad "adult - child"; trust in the child; creation of conditions for children to experience the consequences of their activities.6. IndependenceIndicators of a child’s independent behavior: the child’s activity; the child is in search and has the right to make a mistake and adults have a calm attitude towards it; The development of a child’s independence is facilitated by: the democratic nature and style of communication with the child; the degree of timely and measured assistance to the child (excessive help hinders the development of independence and initiative baby).