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The group of nomads is approximately equal in size to the group of monoliths. During different historical eras, the number of this group either increased or decreased. However, it must be said that everything around us is arranged very intelligently, and therefore, the numerical balance within all groups is maintained from Above within approximately the same boundaries. According to my very subjective perception, usually the group of monoliths and nomads has approximately equal numbers, which cannot be said about the numbers of the other three groups. The number of wanderers is the smallest, tens or even hundreds of times less than the above two groups. And I think it is the smallest in number in general. The rows of travelers are somewhat larger, about several dozen times, than the number of wanderers. But significantly less than monoliths or nomads. There may be as many settled people as there are travelers, or perhaps significantly fewer. In different historical periods, the distribution of population among groups occurs differently, but only the principle of numerical balance remains unchanged. So, who are the nomads? Everything here is quite simple - these are those who invariably seek a better life, protection, recognition, love, and many other things, known only to them, but passionately desired and ideally suited for them. They are looking for a life where there would be a minimum of responsibility, as well as a minimum of moments associated with decision-making. They are looking for all this for themselves, but not in themselves. They are looking for others. Just as they are also looking for those others who will love more strongly (and exactly the way they imagine it, and not otherwise), take better care, give more, feed more satisfyingly and more deliciously, give them a calm and happy life, free them from the heavy burden of responsibility. , everyone will decide for themselves, and even so that it will be “at the behest and desire” of the nomad, in full accordance with his fantasies and dreams. Moreover, the behavior of a nomad will be different both with different people and at different periods of his life. He will always be thrown from one extreme to another, from a “trembling creature” to those who “have the right.” They also love to be both masters of other people’s lives and to be true altruists. They either dissolve everyone into themselves, or they themselves are ready to dissolve into someone. In general, nomads have no borders, either internal or external. They are limitless in everything, and therefore they often take other people’s things as their own, and do not know their own at all! In principle, we can say that each of them is “looking for their own,” but does not accept anything else that would go against their fantastic ideas about what they need and where and from whom they will get it. It is almost impossible for them to accept reality and the people around them as they are. More precisely, they do not even accept those who love and care about them sincerely with all their hearts, if all this does not happen the way they want, or at the wrong time, or not from those from whom they long to receive it all. In general, the motto of this group of people can be the following statements: “What the hell, in my opinion it was!”, “Whatever, we had everything and we didn’t have anything for it! The nomad wants to receive. He can give, but only in exchange, and it is better to “give less and take more.” But free of charge and unconditionally - this is not about them. Here everything is fully calculated, everything has its price. Nomads really love for everything to be the way and only the way they want and expect, but if what is happening does not coincide with this, then all hell breaks loose. They are devoted to their motto “either my way or not at all!” In addition, nomads are not inclined to be spontaneous and natural, but they have more love for masquerade and various kinds of roles and masks than would be required. They can also give a master class of the highest level in manipulation and super control, and at the same time in the ability to dramatize. Nomads are never calm and balanced, they are anxious and tense, they are irritable and conflict-ridden, they are truth-seekers and truth-provers. They are in the eternal polar