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One of the reasons for gaining excess weight is emotional hunger or lack of emotions. What is it and how does it affect excess weight? Read more about this in my article. Thank you for 👍So, the impact of emotion deficiency on weight gain. I will NOT write a boring and incomprehensible article using psychological terms, I will write it in simpler, understandable language. Let's go When a child is born, his mother breastfeeds. Through breast milk and contact with the mother, with the female breast, a certain merging of mother and child occurs. The child eats and looks for his mother’s eyes at this moment, he remembers her voice, timbre, smile, face, emotions on her face. If the mother smiles at this moment, joyful, happy, then the child perceives this, on an unconscious level, as the fact that I am important, I am needed, I am loved. It’s as if he receives a portion of not only food, but also a portion of positive emotions, love, tenderness, care. And love is a very strong emotion/feeling, which, if we do not receive or receive less in childhood, becomes in short supply, a lack of this feeling/emotion occurs. When this feeling/emotion is not enough for us, throughout our lives we try to look for it in other people. But other people, this is not our mother, who a priori should have given this feeling to the child, as they say with mother’s milk. What does a person do in this case, in search of satisfying emotional hunger, if he did not receive it enough in childhood and in adulthood, and cannot get it from other people? What is love? Love is pleasure, satisfaction. And what can replace or be of equal value compared to love? Right. One of the first points is delicious food. When a person experiences positive emotions, he uses the hormone of joy and happiness. The same thing happens when a person eats something tasty, in this case, this hormone also turns on. Thus, a person, as it were, compensates for receiving positive emotions by eating, delicious food. And if the deficit of emotions is too great, then there will also be quite a lot of “eating”. Is it possible to understand whether you have an emotional deficit and whether it affects your excess weight? Yes! What can be done about this? It’s simple - come for a consultation with a psychologist and figure it out, having received a lot of tools, how to learn on your own, to “heal”. And when your emotions are in balance, then excess weight can be removed quite easily! Happiness and love to you!