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Call the paramedics! Maybe I'm going crazy? Both women and men come to us with this concern every day. During self-isolation, a question mark, somehow imperceptibly, penetrated into my inflamed head. There are several criteria by which a psychiatrist can catch the “feeling” of a mental diagnosis. A clear diagnosis can be made in the acute phase of the disease, and there is little argument here. But there are also subacute forms that confuse even completely healthy people. Well, let’s say. Here I am, a mother of many children, and I find myself feeling almost HOSTILITY TO MY LOVED ONES when unauthorized children’s rallies arise on the territory of our permanent residence, here and there. At this stage, I often LOSE THE ABILITY TO CONDUCT A DIALOGUE AND FORMULATE THOUGHTS. Remember, there are those “sour” candies that explode on the tongue? At first it seems cool, but then your whole mouth hurts from inflammation. And so, these attacks with protests and demands: “Give me some clothes!!,” “Turn on a cartoon!”, “I want to be held in my arms!” What about me?? Maybe I also want to be held in my arms! To Mom!! DISCOVER all this RESPONSIBILITY. But after my mother’s hypertensive crisis, I suddenly understand that she also wants to be held. Not for me, probably, but he wants to.. In an attempt to suspect a diagnosis for myself, I analyze the following criterion of mental illness: ALIENATION. I realize my passionate desire for loneliness from time to time by actively ferrying my men to the dacha. If the rafting is not a success, I leave on my own. To the balcony. And let the whole world wait... and acquire group immunity. The world will wait, but on the balcony, all this coronaphobia is quite conducive to the manifestations of my SUSPICIOUSNESS and PARANOIA. And this distance education and digitization of the brain create fertile ground for “delusional” IDEAS about the takeover of the world by the political elite, about conspiracy theories and chipization. Oh, how I wish now that this really turned out to be induced delirium! Because a third of the planet’s population, even in peacetime, experience anxiety and anxiety associated with the future. And now it has become an obvious physical suffering for the majority: sweating, dizziness, discomfort in the solar plexus area, trembling. In general, if I want to, I’ll diagnose myself with Bipolar disorder! And what?? My life now is distinguished by an INCREDIBLE RISE OF MOOD and STRENGTH, INCREASED ACTIVITY. From time to time, CONFIDENCE in YOURSELF and in the feasibility of your plans appears. I’m ready to MOVE MOUNTAINS and complete MANY DIFFERENT PROJECTS while working remotely. (Manic phase of Bipolar Affective Disorder) And then suddenly, I fly into the dead end of my own suspicions and sit on a heap of disappointments. Remote work, however, remains the same. True, I have a bonus. I take myself by the professional collar called #tyzhpsychologist and drag myself out wherever I can... (smells like DEPRESSION, my friend...). According to the observations of my psychiatrist husband, I begin to behave especially strangely in the process of creating texts for posts. LOSS OF INTEREST IN PREVIOUS HOBBIES, DISORDERS OF SLEEP and APPETITE are very clearly manifested. My speech, at this time, meets the criteria for the speech of a person who is depressed: my voice becomes QUIET. THE DESIRE TO HAVE A CONVERSATION IS LOST. While answering questions from members of my household, I THINK FOR A LONG TIME. I CAREFULLY SELECT WORDS (either for an answer, or for a post). In general, everything fits! What a shame! And how can one understand whether the time has really come to catch and “spur” a psychiatrist, or whether there is still hope for mental health? If, sitting on the balcony, after some time, I begin to miss the members of my household.. If, having put my snub-nosed ones to bed, I almost want to eat them from the surging love, despite all the events of the past day.. If, having finished fasting, I come into myself, and I will begin to react vividly to everything that is happening, I will finish everything that I didn’t finish the day before and I will finish what I didn’t finish sleeping... If the entire political elite and their conspiracy stop bothering me, as soon as we are returned to schools (and let all this happen before my son outgrows his school pajama pants!). Means,?