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From the author: The topic of illusions of our psyche is divided into three parts - this article and two more articles. The topic is not easy to write and, I think, even more difficult to read and accept. I ask those who have thought about these three illusions, please leave comments and share your thoughts. Every person believes in something, secretly hopes, often without admitting these hopes even to himself. These secret hopes can be called illusions, especially since according to Wikipedia this is the case: Illusion (Latin illusio - delusion, deception) is a distorted perception of a really existing object or phenomenon, allowing for ambiguous interpretation. Those. an object or phenomenon really exists, but is perceived by a person in a distorted, personal, subjective way. Such illusions fly in a swarm in our heads, everyone has their own special ones, but there are three common illusions for all humanity. This is the illusion of one’s own immortality, the illusion of justice and the illusion of the simplicity of the world’s structure. These are the ones we are talking about in this article. The first two illusions were discussed in the previous parts (read about the illusion of immortality here, about the illusion of justice - here). In this part of the article, let’s think about the third illusion – the illusion of simplicity of the world’s structure. “The world is not simple, not simple at all...” - the Gems sang. I really want to agree with them on the one hand, but on the other hand say – everything is simple, what could be so complicated!? And these two contradictions fight in us, and the second statement is sometimes clearly the winner. Let's think about why the illusion of the simplicity of the world's structure takes place in our subconscious? It turns out that the simpler the world, the easier it is for us, ordinary people, to live in it! There is no need to come up with any cunning schemes, no ways or loopholes to live differently - after all, the world is simple, and every new day will be the same as yesterday! With this thought, it is very comfortable to lie on the couch and live from paycheck to paycheck. The opposite of this illusion is the illusion of NOT simplicity (excessive complexity) of the structure of the world. Let's see if this is the opposite - after all, as you know, the particle “NOT” is not perceived by our subconscious, and often behavior in the opposite direction indicates the same problem. What do people who have this antagonistic illusion carry within themselves? “The world is too complicated, it’s so complex and incomprehensible that I can’t do anything about it!” What do such people do - again, nothing, lie comfortably on the couch and live from paycheck to paycheck. The statements seem to be different, but the result is the same. So what kind of world is this - simple or complex? In my opinion, neither one nor the other. The world is what it is. He is very similar to people, to each of us - after all, each of us is not as simple as it seems, and not so complicated. Everyone has a riddle, a question, an unknown, and this is what makes us interesting to each other and to ourselves. Such is the world - it is multifaceted and at every moment it is unknown which facet it will turn towards us. Sometimes a very complex situation has a simple solution, but a simple incident has unpredictable consequences. This is both frightening and at the same time inspiring hope and support. The illusion of the simplicity of the world is consonant with the illusion of justice of the world, especially in the method of resolving these illusions and accepting them in one general formulation - the world as it is! How to behave in this unpredictable world? Depending on the situation, each time in a different way, listening to yourself and relying on your feelings. This is what creative adaptation consists of, because every person is the creator of his own life and his own happiness!! *** Now you know about these universal human illusions, you know about their existence. You know that you are deceiving yourself, or rather, you are not recognizing the whole truth. Your subconscious hides the whole truth from you, revealing its cover only in moments. What to do now with this truth? Run to a psychologist with a plea to destroy all your illusions? Fight them like a dangerous beast? In my opinion, there is no need to do any of this. After all, it is not in vain that these illusions arose in our psyche, and if they exist,.