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On the issue of pseudo-psychology. The younger the science, the more unknown (well, or ostensibly unknown) there is in it, the less the achievements of science have penetrated into the mass consciousness, the more magnificently the surrogates of this science - unfounded speculation, speculative fiction, open secrets, meaningless but tempting advice and recipes - in a word, pseudoscience. And what about psychology? Can pseudoscientific surrogates arise in the field of knowledge about the psyche? Let's figure it out. Firstly, psychology is, in fact, a relatively young science (compared to physics or chemistry). Secondly, it really seems to the modern average person that psychology knows little about the psyche. It is easy to verify this by answering the questions: what, in your opinion, does psychology know about the psyche? about successful communication? about psychological harmony? As a rule, a non-psychologist cannot answer these questions. Thirdly, the average person is little familiar with the achievements of modern scientific psychology. And this is also easy to verify, for example, by answering the question: how many significant psychological discoveries can you list? And again, it is not the psychologist who usually responds with silence. So the situation for the emergence of all kinds of false psychologies is indeed favorable. In addition, in modern society there is a demand for solutions to psychological and personal problems in general. People want to live better and rightly believe that by working on themselves, their life chances can be increased. At the same time, many believe that if you pick up a book with recipes for working on yourself, with tips for solving problems, then these tips and recipes should be simple, i.e. easily understandable and easily applicable. At the same time, the average person does not understand that scientific facts often show, on the contrary, that significant effort will be required to solve a problem, or that the problem cannot be solved at all. Genuine psychologists simply cannot offer people simple solutions because they understand the human psyche too deeply. But all sorts of charlatans and inventors create a myth about the ease of change, the ease of influence, the ease of seduction, etc. Take the right pose, say a few phrases - and that’s it, the man is in your pocket. Or imagine several images, talk to yourself, press on acupuncture points, move your eyes back and forth, listen to a fairy tale - and that’s it, you will become successful, smart, strong, you will stop being afraid, etc. Another thing is that people themselves are not very... sometimes they want complex but working solutions, while they prefer non-working but simple ones. People prefer to create another illusion for themselves than to take a sober look at reality. And it’s as if they are creating a Matrix for themselves. So, as we see, there are reasons for the flourishing of false psychology and there is a demand. Accordingly, a proposal is born. It's sad but it's a fact.