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For a long time, the role of a woman has been to ensure peace, love, warmth and comfort within the family. All this is necessary for children to develop safely. And while men fought and provided food for the family, women took care of the children. Now in terms of roles, little has changed: men also fight, and women maintain peace and tranquility in families. I am sure that if countries were led by women, there would be no wars on earth. Women are the best diplomats. Therefore, it is very important for us today to remain calm and reasonable. To do this, you need to free yourself from negative experiences and fill yourself with positive ones. How to do this: first of all, close access to negative information into your consciousness and open the gates to positive events. The media now discuss this topic from morning to evening. You hear about this at work, in conversations with friends, with family. You are indignant, indignant, condemning. As a result, you are tense, irritated, and lash out at your children. Fears have only increased. Therefore, today it is especially important to take care of your emotional state. These can be very simple things that will help you stay calm.1. Block access to negative information: - Don’t watch TV (unless it’s your favorite movies). Don't look at social media unless you have to for work. You will already know about important events. - Protect yourself from discussions and discussions with family and friends. Ask yourself: “Can I influence these events?” If not, then do not participate in what you cannot influence.2. If you feel that you have a lot of anger, irritation, and indignation, then help yourself free yourself from them in an environmentally friendly way. It is environmentally friendly - when you do not harm anyone by doing this: neither yourself nor others. Why free yourself from negative experiences? Firstly, in order to be calm and joyful. Secondly, negative feelings are necessarily represented in the body in the form of sensations. For example, with a tension headache, muscles spasm. When we are angry, our heart rate increases. Over time, the same reactions of the body result in symptoms, and symptoms - in disease. If you suppress negative feelings, then they will either begin to destroy the body, or a moment will come when you are unable to restrain them, and you, by analogy with a pot of boiling water, as they say, the lid will blow off, and all your accumulated anger will pour out on those around you. How to free yourself from negative feelings? 1) The easiest way at hand: take a sheet of A 4 paper and 2 pages describe your state: what you are thinking about now, what you feel, what you want. You can do this every day until you feel that you have become calm.2) It’s even better to use what nature itself came up with, when feelings are discharged through the movement of screaming, for example, you can beat a pillow with a scream or have a pillow fight with children (they will really like this ).Many women simply drive into the forest by car and scream there with all their hearts. And then they experience great relief, emptiness inside, lightness and freedom.3. Fill yourself with joyful moments. 1) Direct your consciousness to search for new positive events in your life. Every day ask yourself the question: “What new and good happened today in my life?” These can be completely simple things: - I saw from the window how two crows are setting up their nest for hatching chicks; - Today there is a clear blue sky and a bright, spring-like warm sun; - I walked on the asphalt for the first time in the winter; - I reviewed my wardrobe for spring , parted with old things and freed up space in the closet; - changed my hairstyle, got a manicure; - met with a friend. These can be small discoveries: - allowed myself to do only what I like all day and got a lot of pleasure, and the next day it’s easy I did 2 times more things than usual; - in order to plant a flowerbed at the entrance of the house, you just need to dig up the ground. 2) Find positive aspects in any event, even at first glance negative.