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From the author: Out of curiosity, I asked a dozen “critics”, where and when did you study NLP? He didn’t even ask about the level of qualifications in NLP, or about completing at least basic courses. What is noteworthy is that there was not a single person who attended at least one training session. At best, they read some book. Like learning to play tennis from instructions. Many people sprinkled in some terms from other disciplines that remained on their minds, but in essence, no one said anything intelligible. But in NLP, the “Learning Circle” is the basis of everything. The output is skills. What skills do those who have built cognitive dissonance into themselves have? I remember a very old joke - Do you like the Beatles? - Nothing special! - Did you listen? - I didn’t listen to it myself, but Rabinovich sang it to me!1. Here is the first answer. NLP is criticized by half-educated people. Out of curiosity, I asked a dozen “critics”, where and when did you study NLP? He didn’t even ask about the level of qualifications in NLP, or about completing at least basic courses. What is noteworthy is that there was not a single person who attended at least one training session. At best, they read some book. Like learning to play tennis from instructions. Many people sprinkled in some terms from other disciplines that remained on their minds, but in essence, no one said anything intelligible. But in NLP, the “Learning Circle” is the basis of everything. The output is skills. What skills do those who have built cognitive dissonance into themselves have? Another quote comes to mind about this category. It's called "I haven't read it, but I condemn it." Yes, here’s an example: “Newspapers write about some Pasternak. As if there was such a writer. I still didn’t know anything about him, I’d never read his books... he’s not a writer, but a White Guard... I haven’t read Pasternak.”2. The second category of NLP “critics” are banal lazy people. That is, who have done one thing for a long time and has thoroughly learned (for example, psychodrama, or transactional analysis) and he is good with it. The picture of the world has narrowed down to a few mastered methods, and he doesn’t want to expand it. Oddly enough, the next group is almost the opposite of the first - “fashionistas” But by and large, they are conformists and people subject to the herd instinct. When it was fashionable, they ran around with the words NLP on their lips. Then constellations appeared, which means that we criticize everything else. 4. And now coaching has appeared. , and money. Therefore, the next category of “critics”, those who use, but do not mention. In May of this year, we visited a famous NLP trainer who has been using NLP for many years, working in Russian intelligence, and now teaches his skills to people in trainings. to the next hall, where classes were held at a famous coaching university. What did you see? All the walls are covered with handouts of the “NLP Practitioner” course (time lines, creative strategies, and so on), the presenter is a former NLP trainer, on the wall there is a huge portrait (role model!) of the founder of the coaching university, known for having spent many years in Russia specifically NLP trainings. Then market conditions changed, and she found herself in coaching. All coaching is 90% based on several models from the “NLP Practitioner” course, which, by the way, was told very honestly by one of the trainers of the V All-Russian NLP Festival, now a part-time coach. 5. Another category is selfish. Let me explain. One of the institutes has a special course “Retaining the client in analysis”, just like in a sect. If you need the client to stay for a long time and pay regularly, you are not in NLP. NLP methods work quickly and effectively. Problems of any level of complexity are solved in 2-3 meetings. Betty Alice Erickson, daughter of the famous Milton, told us at the training that “phobics” are immediately sent to NLPers, they cure them in 15 minutes, and then distract them for another 30 minutes - not everyone believes that phobias, allergies, addictions, panic attacks attacks with which a person has been going from “specialist” to “specialist” for years go away suddenly and forever in one session.