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In pursuit of fashionable and advertised means of healing, we sometimes forget that we can maintain and strengthen our health without spending much effort and money. Let's remember such well-known means of psychotherapy as: color therapy - color treatment, sound therapy - treatment sound, aromatherapy - treatment with aromas, herbal medicine - treatment with plants, What about contemplating flowing water, the flickering of a live fire in a fire or clouds floating across the sky? Pleasant? - Yes. Effective? - Yes. Modern? – certainly. And all this is in the nature that surrounds us. Green is the color of nature and harmony, it is located in the middle of the spectrum and is a mixture of warm yellow and cold blue, due to which it is neutral. Green belongs to the four primary colors, among which you can also find red, yellow and blue. In nature, the color green is ubiquitous, all of nature is associated with it: leaves, grass, trees, mosses, swamps, various fruits, etc. - all these are green representatives of natural resources. The color green evokes a state of calm, concentration, and a feeling of freedom. It helps to calm down, relax and unwind quite well. Green color therapy can help reduce blood pressure and dilate capillaries; green calms and relieves stress, increases visual acuity, can relieve neuralgia and migraines, and is also often used in the treatment of asthma and laryngitis. Green color raises vitality and creates a feeling of relaxation during nervous irritability, hysteria and insomnia. It is believed that this color can strengthen knowledge and memory. The sounds of nature are another direction in sound therapy that has a therapeutic effect. This technique does not exist as an independent one. However, it fits harmoniously into techniques and practices that involve relaxation and meditation. The sound of the sea and wind, the sounds of rain, the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds - sounds that have a beneficial effect on our emotional and physical state. I would especially like to say about birds, about their unique abilities. Bird singing has an amazingly beneficial effect on the human psyche. Some bird sounds are calming, while others are uplifting. And sometimes they can replace medications. One of the healing sources of nature are essential oils of medicinal plants. They have always been highly valued due to their medicinal and perfumery properties. There are oils that are especially effective for diseases of the respiratory system. These are cedar, juniper, pine, mint, rosemary, thyme and geranium. The bactericidal effect of some oils is very strong. For example, thyme, pine and juniper oils even act on the tuberculosis bacillus! Forest air contains over 200 volatile biologically active substances. They stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular and other body systems, normalize the pulse rate, increase the hemoglobin content in the blood, resistance to toxins and infections, improve pulmonary ventilation, and promote physical and mental performance. It has been noticed that people living in the forest, compared to the inhabitants of the steppes, are 3 times less susceptible to mental diseases, 4 times less to intestinal, 5 times to cardiovascular and 6 times to pulmonary. Among the natural medicines are fruits and vegetables occupy one of the leading places in terms of their healing, taste and nutritional qualities. Availability, ease of preparation, ease of use, and the absence of any particular undesirable effects give people the opportunity to widely use the medicinal properties of fruits and vegetables in their daily lives and include them in their home pharmacy. It is these natural products that are natural correctors, the first reliable helpers when a person first encounters many ailments. Nature is generous. She freely offers people a great variety of medicinal plants, the power of which can be several times greater than that of synthetic drugs. Plants have medicinal properties.