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There is a lot of talk and gossip around the profession of “psychologist”. Someone says that “I’m not crazy, I don’t need a shrink.” Of course, “all this is quackery, just to pump out money.” Yes those who make the sign of the cross and believe that psychology is from the “evil one.” And those who believe that it’s easier to buy sedative pills at the pharmacy, it’s “cheaper and more reliable.” Where would we be without those who have read a lot of books and sees himself as an enlightened specialist. Of course, the catchphrase “the whole truth is in wine” is the best way to understand yourself (and if you get carried away, then bury yourself deeper). And of course, that special category of those wise with life experience “yes, I lived for so many years” , I have enough brains of my own, don’t you think I can figure it out on my own?” - of course you’ll figure it out, the only pity is that very often the solution turns out to be “the same rake as before.” There are also those lucky ones who feel sincere joy from everything that is present in their life: relationships, work, interests, health, opportunities, feelings, experiences, etc. (they say that such ideal people exist, but I haven’t met them; I hope there is more to come!). Awareness of the ideal components and the pursuit of them helps everyone find their own unique path to joy and happiness. If you, my dear reader, adhere to the above positions, then do not waste your precious time, do not read further. I have no goal to convince or impose a different point of view. First, I would like to note that a psychologist and a psychiatrist are completely different professions: A psychologist is a specialist with a higher education in the humanities and appropriate training in the field of applied psychology. Works with mentally healthy people (or practically healthy), uses research and advisory methods (I emphasize, non-drug). A psychiatrist is a doctor who has a higher medical education and has undergone special training in the field of mental disorders (well versed in biological, organic and biochemical processes). Accordingly, he treats a sick person using modern medicine. In case of serious illnesses, a combination of psychological and psychiatric help may be required (but this is an exceptional case that is not widespread). So, how can a psychologist help, and when does it make sense to seek help? ?At this stage, two blocks of problems should be distinguished: 1) situational - problems associated with force majeure circumstances, external circumstances that a person, for various reasons, cannot cope with on his own (does not understand “how?”, no strength, no desire) . These include: the passing of a loved one (divorce, death); health problems that entail the need to change your current life; the onset of a crisis (global - for example, economic, or normative, meaning natural crisis periods in the life of a person or family). 2) intrapersonal - problems associated with personality transformation: emotional burnout, internal conflict, anxiety, fears, tension. Please note , the psychologist does not create a new personality. Rather, in the course of work, a new form is given, a structure is ordered. Conditions are created in which a person is freed and understands how to be himself. A very important point: during counseling, advice is not given. “Advice is always superficial, it is giving instructions from above, one-way traffic…. Advice cannot be considered an adequate counseling function, since it encroaches on the autonomy of the individual... Advice from above never has a real impact on the personality of another person and does not lead to any changes. Someone else’s idea of ​​advice will never become his own, and at the first opportunity a person will discard it” (R. May). In the process of counseling, two people (a client accompanied by a psychologist) examine the problem, consider it from all sides, identify new, previously invisible facets, open internal resources, conduct an audit of outdated and outdated settings (habits or.