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From the author: Author - Elizaveta N. Orlova, published on Is there a connection between emotional openness and the ability to visualize? I had this question the other day. It arose because, putting two and two together, namely: having considered regressions with clients, their (clients’) abilities and results, there is definitely a connection. So, if a person at some point in the past gave up emotions, or suppressed them for a long time , then such actions can lead to the fact that it will be difficult for him to visualize. First you have to unwind the tangle, that is, first learn to feel again, experience emotions without denying them or moving away from them, allow yourself to let emotions out. Simultaneously with such work, begin to remember those events in life as a result of which the person “closed himself off.” Gradually, with respect for yourself and the people around you. The process is quite labor-intensive (based on personal experience; I had a period when I closed my feelings, turned them off). Imagine putting things in a suitcase - one thing after another, in neat piles. This is how we suppress emotions within ourselves, slowly storing them up layer by layer. Accordingly, it is possible to extract/release emotions in exactly the same way - one after another. Otherwise, it will blow away. Simply because liberation is accompanied by emotional instability - the sparkler shines in all directions at once. Therefore, when one layer is removed, stabilization occurs, the state calms down and the preconditions are created for the rise of the next portion. Psshh! Peace, and again “pshsh!” Fine. The main thing is not to suppress these impulses in yourself again, emotions are coming - let them out. How you can help yourself in this process: Shift the focus to yourself. Emotional pressure is associated with certain people, so it is very important not to throw accusations at them. As my Teacher says, we are not only teachers for each other, but also excellent trainers. These people helped you develop some skill, quality. It may be difficult for you to feel gratitude towards them at the beginning; at the first stage, simply shift your focus to how you feel the emotion. More on this later. Determine what you feel, name the emotion. For example: “I’m angry.” Great! This means that you are aware of the state you are in. Feel it in your body. Emotions and feelings are given to us so that we experience them physically. This is our experience. This is why we are here (the reason for the incarnation). Therefore, at the moment when you begin to feel the effects of emotions, direct your attention to what exactly is happening in your body at this moment: where, what sensation arises, in what place in the body it lingers, how you breathe at this moment. Allow yourself to feel the emotion. Breathing practices help you calm down and balance your state. Return to the past. Most of us “built” in childhood: “don’t go there, you’ll get dirty,” “don’t shout, you’ll catch a cold,” “don’t get into a puddle, you’ll get your feet wet” (pay attention to how much negation there is in these statements), etc. Look in your memories for instances when you were “slowed down.” Emotions will begin to come out. Repeat steps 1-4. Awareness of experience. When the wave of emotions subsides, ask yourself questions: “what did this experience give me?”, “have similar situations happened to me before?”, “are these my emotions or am I reacting the same way as mom (or dad, or someone relatives)?” Be sure to pamper yourself: do what brings you joy, take time for yourself. Positive emotions. Not everything in your life is so gloomy; there were also pleasant moments. Remember them, also noting your bodily sensations. For those who engage in spiritual practices, emotional openness is a kind of must-have, since healing the emotional body is healing the inner child, accepting all your emotions (both positive and negative ) and past experiences. At my appointment there was a young woman who received an answer to her question about the tasks and goals in life - to learn to rejoice the way children rejoice, to rejoice in the body, to move, to admire. Look at the children,.