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Good day. The issue of self-esteem is really very important. And I decided to highlight it, because not only do I solve these issues with clients, but I myself had to work a lot on myself to bring my self-esteem back to normal, live the way I want, get as much as I want and other. Although outwardly I always exuded confidence, there were global problems with my internal self-perception. Therefore, I hasten to share my knowledge and experience with you. Low self-esteem is nothing more than an idea created about oneself, due to the opinions of the people around us. That is, we form not an objective opinion about ourselves, but a subjective one based on the information that we received in the process of life from more authoritative (in our opinion) people. Low self-esteem is uncertainty, indecisiveness, criticism and self-judgment; these are blocks and limitations that we set for ourselves, again based on the information we received in the process of life. But, I will please you - there is a plus. Since self-esteem is an opinion about oneself, it means I can always change it. How to do this?1. Be honest with yourself about what you think about yourself. Sit down and analyze your attitude towards yourself. Write down all the qualities that come to mind about yourself.2. Step back from your personality and look at yourself as a different person. Is this really so, and am I really like this, or have I been convinced of this? Go through the list again and note what is really yours and what you were convinced of.3. Find the source of what is not your quality. That is, if you have been convinced that you are lazy. And from the objective side, you do those things that you like - this is natural and you do not do those things that you do not like, which is also natural. Are you lazy? Of course not. You just like to do what you like. In this case, remember who exactly told you that you are lazy. And expose these words to lies. Yes, it’s simple - this is not the truth, but only someone’s subjective opinion.4. Make a list of what you can do well, what you like to do, what you are strong at. And from now on, we direct the bulk of our attention (and we remember that we have two resources for managing reality: attention and time) to the strengths, improving the weaknesses, and not fighting or denying them. Simply put, find what you can be proud of now, and along the way develop what is still lame.5. We move away from the evaluative perception of the world and ourselves, including, introducing acceptance: “Everything is as it is and I can change everything according to my desire!” You are who you are and you have every right to be so. You can change or you can not change - that's your right. If you wish, you develop, improve, but consciously. We abandoned perfectionism, idealizing ourselves with super heroes, and remembered that we are mere mortals and have the right to make mistakes. We have accepted the lessons of life and begin to live consciously and treat ourselves - EVEN MORE. Stop hanging in the clouds, let’s come down, analyze ourselves and our lives, take the reins into our own hands and begin to form the foundation of a successful future! Let's get to work. You can listen to the free webinar here. I invite those who want to know more: This is all great, but what to do now? Still not enough money? Is your self-confidence not up to par? And the system of life values ​​leaves much to be desired? For those who are ready and willing to act: Master class “The Art of Living”. Master class “Me and my money, how can we meet?” Master class “Increasing the quality of life through our self-esteem.” What is this? - a lot of useful and structured information in an accessible language, - you will learn the algorithm for working on yourself, - as a bonus, you will receive a recording of a master class on working with negative beliefs, with practical techniques (meditation “screen of lies”). - you will receive homework to work on yourself. Think about how you spend your resources: Internal - your attention and energy, your time, money - external, and!