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First, let's look at the concept of an aggressor. Who is considered an aggressor? An aggressor is a person who, consciously or not, violates the personal boundaries of another person, that is, invades someone else’s space. How to detect a violation of boundaries? Intrusion is not always obvious. For example, in a quarrel between a husband and his wife, he resorted to personal insults and swore at her. Here it is usually clear that the husband showed open aggression. But a more subtle invasion is not always realized. These are those situations when they do not criticize or scold openly, but after a conversation with such a person an unpleasant aftertaste remains. It could be slight irritation, dissatisfaction, resentment, or simply a lack of understanding of the situation. Oh, such dresses have long gone out of fashion. Where did you find it, in a second-hand store? Daughter, what kind of dumplings with your figure are better than a salad? Rely on your feelings! If you feel uncomfortable after a conversation, if you are tired and feel empty instead of full, your boundaries have probably been quietly violated. If a person constantly faces aggression in his direction, then he probably has a lot of suppressed aggression himself. This happens because a person has accumulated a lot of anger, which he does not know how to cope with in any other way except by unconsciously provoking others into conflict. In this way, there is a legitimate reason to get angry and release your tension. Also, due to tension in the sphere of emotions, a person more often notices passive aggression towards himself and is very sensitive to such reactions. Another would not notice the barb, but he feels such things well. The function of anger is to defend and expand boundaries. With defending, everything is clear: someone is invading my personal space, I need to protect myself. But with the expansion of borders it is even more interesting. To acquire any important resources - money, relationships, business, etc., you need to conquer new space. That is, compete with other people for the possession of new resources. Everything is like in nature: the strongest will win. Read the continuation of the article on how to react to aggression and use your anger for business. Do you want to learn how to defend and expand your boundaries? Come for a consultation! You can make an appointment by calling +7 951 667 15 14 (WhatsApp, Telegram) Share your thoughts in the comments. I will be glad to discuss! Thank you for your attention!© Anastasia Shvetsova. 2020Publication of the article is permitted with a link to the author