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Today I’ll tell you a very simple way with which you can get a job almost anywhere. The method is especially useful for the so-called “young specialists”, for whom it is supposedly very difficult to find a “job without experience”. Personally, I also used this method at one time. And my friends too. So everything works. Intrigued? Let's get started. You choose the organization in which you would like to work. And then just call the manager and say: “I really like the organization, I want to work for you, do this and that.” It is advisable to explain why you like the organization. Sincerely. That is why you need to choose an organization that you really like. Any leader is pleased when a person sincerely likes his organization. This is sometimes much more important than professional skills. Because the person becomes “one of our own.” And then you offer: “I am ready (ready) to work for you completely free of charge for some time. To get to know better what you need and how I can be useful (useful). What problems can I solve? And this does not oblige you to anything - we will just look at each other, and if you like me, then you can hire me permanently.” At this step, you show the person not in word, but in deed, that you are even ready to work for free , you want to be in his organization and help it so much. Such people are valued very much. As a rule, after this there may be only one barrier left - what exactly to do with you. And it is also important that for him personally there are no stresses, only advantages. You can say: “If you don’t mind, we can talk today or tomorrow, and together think about what I should do.” or something in this spirit. With such a scheme, there is a very high probability that you will be accepted for an “internship” (it is best to perceive it that way). If you don’t get hired - anything can happen - keep calling, sooner or later everything will work out. Next comes the most interesting part! You start working not as an intern, but AT FULL POWER! That is, as if you are already working for a full salary. If you need to be on time, show up on time, sit the whole working day, take on as much or even more work than ordinary workers. You can only do this if you really like the work. And after a while the manager sees that You are an adequate person, responsible, cope with tasks, love your work. And he already hires you with a good salary. If he doesn’t hire you, you don’t lose anything in any case, because you have gained invaluable work experience, and you can already talk about it in the next company. And you can also get a recommendation from your manager about how well you helped him. Recommendations are never superfluous either. So, I’ll summarize the main idea of ​​this model - you don’t wait for a vacancy to appear and you will be invited, you attach yourself to the organization as a working mechanism, and create a vacancy for yourself. Or gain experience. http://audio-nastroi.ru/blog/2011/10/17/kak-ustroitsy..