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There is a misconception online that Beth Harmon is a real character. Actually, no. The series “Queen's Progress” mixed in many themes about genius and talent, addiction and obsession, friendship, rivalry, feminism, and somewhere along the way even communism and religion. The series did not make an impression on me, nor did Anya Taylor-Joy’s performance. But I can’t get past a character with a chemical addiction, and my other love is chess! But let’s talk about Elizabeth (beware of spoilers). Very early on, orphan Beth realized 2 things: 1. She is a child prodigy. 2. Tranquilizers are pleasant. Accordingly, these 2 truths, as well as the death of a mother in front of a 6-year-old child, directly affected the character of Beth Harmon. Increased anxiety. Throughout the series, Beth tries to answer the question: “Why did Mom leave me?” Elizabeth's mother was mentally ill and suicidal. And at some point she decided to say goodbye to her life, taking her daughter to the next world. Beth survived, but the trauma remained. Psychoanalysts will confirm that such behavior of the mother forms in the child distrust of the whole world. And then this distrust is also superimposed on vanity. The little girl easily defeats her much older opponents. As Beth grows up, she is increasingly surrounded by inadequate people: an infantile adoptive mother (who also has a mental disorder and chemical dependency!), a callous adoptive father, and stupid classmates. There is open sexism at chess competitions. Elizabeth concludes: the people around her are extreme idiots. And from this conclusion, a new character trait is intolerance to the shortcomings of other people. If it hurts, then you can’t feel. And the best way to push the feeling: 1) go into the world of logic 2) use a sedative. With the first, chess helps her, and with the second, tranquilizers, alcohol and weed. We can note such strong personality traits of Elizabeth Harmon as curiosity, hard work, and determination. What a professional athlete must have. But Beth lacks discipline, and frequent use affects her moral and physical condition. In other words, the outbursts of anger or intolerance that we see at tournaments are a consequence of chemical addiction. Personally, it remains a big mystery to me how such a character acquired friends during his serial life. I believe Beth only attracted the cheerleader because she is a pretty girl in a non-female industry. But maybe you noticed something else, don’t forget to say about it in the comments👇🏻Speaking of addiction. Indeed, pupils of American orphanages in the middle of the last century were fed tranquilizers so that the children were obedient and calm. Beth, like many real kids of that time, developed a pharmaceutical addiction. However, tranquilizers (especially tranquilizers of that time) do not work as doping, but are sedatives. Which dull consciousness rather than concentrate attention. Despite this, in the series, Elizabeth takes pills before the game. Movie blunder or the scriptwriters have their own meaning, anything can happen:)