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Do you also yell at your husband, wife, children, subordinates? That is, those who, due to their status, are unlikely to be able to oppose anything to you until a certain moment. And then there are three options: either the person will leave, or will cave in (will stay, but will be broken), or will shout back. And it doesn’t matter who it is: a child, a husband... A cry is a sign of your helplessness: when all the methods in your arsenal have been exhausted, and the situation has not been resolved. And then you chose, instead of expanding your arsenal of interaction methods, screaming) as the most familiar and acceptable way for you to influence another person. A scream is a white flag, you have given up and are screaming out of helplessness. If you scream constantly, there is a very big question about the resource you have as a whole, or rather about its absence. It often happens like this: a person screams, screaming does not work, and the person screams even more. Where is the logic? One teacher, N.N. Vasiliev, whom I very much respect, made a very subtle remark: “If a person can not shout when he is among significant or unfamiliar people on the street, for example, then he can not shout at home either.” It’s just that for some reason, yelling at someone has become habitual and completely acceptable behavior for him. He considers someone a “garbage dump, sorry (but it’s true), into which you can pour all your dirt: resentment, disappointment, anger, irritation, etc. How valuable are these people to you then? This is about a lot, in one article It’s hard to tell everything, it’s hard to sort everything out in one consultation. This is about codependent relationships (when everyone has common emotions “I’m angry and everyone gets angry in the end”), and about the fact that in our country, unfortunately, screaming is a common form of communication between people, and about the complete lack of understanding of where I end as a separate, full-fledged person, and another separate and full-fledged person begins... Here you need to figure out what becomes the trigger for such a reaction. And this is again about negative past experiences. that our path is not ideal, that falls and failures were once too significant for us and remained recorded in the form of neural connections. And now, in a similar situation, previously formed paths are simply activated - habitual automatic actions. And only from the person himself. it depends whether he will continue to scream, even realizing that it is ineffective and destroys relationships, or whether he will still allow himself to change the usual to a new and effective one, will see his own value and significance, and the value of those who are still nearby...