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"They ended up at my house and, it seems, not in the apartment. From somewhere an ax appeared in my hands and I blew off their heads," the client said. His story came up during the session when he cited a dream as a recent disturbing event. More precisely, the awakening that followed. Look! As a rule, I ask you to remember and we analyze real moments from life. But then the client, a 40-year-old man, suggested discussing a dream about a bear that frightened him. You can read about our conclusions on b17 in the article “Why do you dream about a bear?” At the same time, his old experiences, still stored in his memory, surfaced. At that time in his life, about ten years ago, there was a conflict. Opposition arose between him and his relatives. They divided the real estate. You understand how unpleasant and stressful the process is. - One day, after another quarrel with my uncle, I went to bed. I dreamed of running through the corridors of our house, although it was not him. But it felt like our five-story building. “I found myself in an apartment,” the client recalls, “but it was kind of like a pipe, and under the sofa, where it came from, a phantasmagoria, I knew for sure, there were snakes coiled there. They ended up at my house and, it seems, not in my apartment. From somewhere an ax appeared in my hands and I cut off their heads. I just cut it to hell. I remember so clearly, even though many years have passed, ten have probably passed... - What thoughts did that dream evoke in you, maybe you remember? - I asked, making notes with a pen in an orange case. - I remember that I was shaking, my body was shaking, but I was thinking about victory. I won! I destroyed them. And he immediately leveled the snakes and the relatives, especially the guy. I also remembered about the serpent from Eden. - I wonder what you did then? After sleeping with a bear, you looked into dream books, and then? - I also started looking on the Internet for what snakes mean in dreams. To betrayal,” he clapped his hands so unexpectedly that I already recoiled from the phone screen (online session), “I remember exactly that victory over them in a dream promised victory in reality!” “I understand correctly, when you woke up after killing the snakes, you felt burst of energy, excitement? Was there fear? - There was no fear, but there was excitement and anger. I remember and feel that it’s difficult to sit still,” he paused, “I then realized that I was doing everything right and the truth was on my side.” As if that dream was to help me, to support me. I also want to confess, to be honest... What do you think he showed sincerity about? It turns out that he recently dreamed about snakes again. The outcome turned out to be different; he was bitten by a creeping reptile. Knowing about the interpretation, the man perceived Morpheus’ obsession as an empty mind game. “I didn’t worry about the meaning. I just started to be more attentive to those around me,” he admitted. The client did not complain about the quality of sleep. On the contrary, after starting to practice mindfulness, he had a great rest. From his words. While working to reduce the level of anxiety, we discussed dreams and found (confirmed) several coping strategies. Somnologists also work in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Here is a link to Alexey Melyokhin, if necessary. If the content of the dream does not suit you (it is sad or frightening), then will you accept the interpretation on faith? Or, like the client from the described case, will you simply brush it off? (Permission to publish the case has been received) (The book “Self-EsteemCameraMotor” is free to read) With respect to you, practicing psychologist, member of the Automatic Communist Party, author of books Peter Galigarov - I help individuals who want to improve their relationships!