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From the author: ORGANIZATION CULTURE - NOW THIS IS A VERY MODERN TOPIC, DESCRIBING THE ORGANIZATION’S MISSION, RULES OF CONDUCT, CLOTHING STYLE. THE AUTHOR SUGGESTS LOOKING AT CULTURE FROM THE POINT OF PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS, WHAT UNCONSCIOUS PROCESSES CONTROL OUR BEHAVIOR AND HOW THIS AFFECTS THE CULTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION. Author of the article - Larisa Zimina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, business coach, consultant on organizational development and management issues staff. The article was published in the international business magazine “Tochka” No. 10, 2008, in the business magazine “Loyalnost”, Moscow No. 1, 2010. BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER OR SEVERAL “FAMILY” SKETCHES FROM THE LIFE OF AN ORGANIZATION Recently, interest in corporate culture has increased greatly, but in fact, interest arose in the controlled, consciously creative side of the organization’s corporate culture. Now it is very fashionable to describe the mission, main goals, rules of conduct, systems for holding corporate events, types of communications - this is a kind of architecture of the organization that connects its “floors”. All this is spelled out in the organization’s local documents in the form of a corporate code, and is declared as a corporate culture. But few people think that the corporate culture is based on completely different processes, which often do not fit in with the prescribed code. It is quite obvious that in addition to the conscious corporate culture, that is, the declared one, there is a culture that is understood on an intuitive level. Just like the normal human psyche - 80% is occupied by the unconscious part and only 20% by the conscious part - in the organization there is something that, as it were, does not exist, but all employees understand that it exists, and it is read on a different level. In other words, all missions, goals, rules, special rituals, communications created at a conscious level exist at a conscious level. And the unconscious part of corporate culture, what is read on an unconscious level, is the double or triple meaning of messages and behavior of both management and employees, the unwritten rules by which the organization actually functions. The concepts of corporate culture that have accumulated over the past decade clearly demonstrate that there is no clear concept of which culture is the most favorable. The culture of an organization is influenced by many factors: country, history, politics, economics, geographical location, product of activity, personnel, and most importantly - the managers, and if it is a commercial organization, then the owners who have their own life story, views, character , habits, attitudes, philosophy. At the heart of their philosophy are ideas about their first organization, that is, about the primary family. In this “organization” there are such figures as “father” and “mother”, “brothers”, “sisters”, “grandmothers”, “grandfathers”, “aunts”, “uncles”, and accordingly, there are relationships between them, certain interconnections that influence the further course of events occurring in our lives, including professional ones. They often work on an unconscious level, and we do not even suspect that the corporate culture is a model of the organization's own founding family or its leaders. Of course, in order to more accurately understand the “field” of culture, it is necessary to consider everything in the organization systemically: details of history, “historical figures” (for example, who founded the organization, for what purpose), the role of the mission, what values ​​underlie the creation of the organization, what approaches , characteristic of relationships with staff, clients, and so on. And here is an example......Here is the main entrance. Oh good luck! There are parking spaces. Oh, sorry, you can’t park your car here, this is the place for the main thing. Park your car next to the garages in the yard. Let's go in. Admired. Isn't it stylish? Our boss loves turquoise and metallic colors, most importantly, minimalism in everything. He himself approved the design - laconically and technically. He himself personallytakes part in everything, keeps his finger on the pulse. But...twenty years ago, who would have thought, we started with friends, from metal stalls at bus stops, sitting on boxes, selling whatever we needed. We were young, just after college. Young employees smoke outside. It’s okay, we have a nook for that. Our chief loves young people, he says they are dear to them, it doesn’t matter that they have no experience, but their eyes sparkle, they catch on the fly, and they are more diligent. In general, he is democratic, fair, modest and caring. Three years ago, you know what a great New Year! He invited Gazmanov himself and gave him a prize. We still remember it with gratitude. And if he wants to study, he invites the “coolest” coaches from Moscow or St. Petersburg. What makes this story special is that it feels like “FAMILY.” It has a main character - a parental figure called “dad”, “father of the family”. Regardless of the form of ownership, this figure has gender, nationality, age, temperament, and its own personal history. This figure in the “families” is practically the only character in the corporate “epic”. Great ideas, struggles, victories, everything that led to the current prosperity of the organization is the merit of only the main one, that is, “dad”. And his secret weaknesses and character traits, his preferences, make the culture of the organization unique. The forms of communication with your “children” (staff) are perhaps as diverse as in real “parent-children” relationships, but there are some mythological “archetypes” such as the “ideal dad”, who, if he shows concern, immediately invites Gazmanov , and even gives a bonus, and in addition, he writes out expensive coaches from Moscow. He does it rarely, but in a way that will be remembered for a long time. As for the rest, there are all sorts of showdowns with the staff, that is, with the “children” in the care of the “mother.” This role is often played with doomed enthusiasm by the HR director or head of the HR department, or his deputies, while looking doomedly into “dad’s” eyes - aren’t we disappointing? What about “dad”? “Dad” is ominously silent... For example, how the “Jewish dad” will behave. Such a “father” constantly raises his “child” (young and inexperienced employees), tirelessly provides them with “vitamins” and “educational toys”. Everything is fresh, new, observing the regime and hygiene. Growing and educating staff often becomes more important than business or the prosperity of the organization. The “kids” are not allowed to hang out with just anyone: if they want to develop, then only with the most advanced and with impeccable recommendations. With such a “father”, it is impossible for the “mothers” to turn around; there is not the slightest chance to show themselves in caring for the staff. And for those who have not understood their happiness or are shirking from observing the regime and hygiene, a sluggish distribution of slaps on the head. And if suddenly some “child” decides to grow up, for example, become independent, he will be immediately kicked out of the “family”; such behavior will never be forgiven. And most importantly, “Dad’s blood idea” is my people and they are following me. What does a “violent dad” do? Oh, this is a typical Slavic character with a touch of exaltation. Well, if in “families” such a “parent” controls, then in everything that exists in these organizations, starting from production relations, functional connections, “information logistics”, relations of passionate love and burning hatred prevail! Phrases are heard alternately at planning meetings: “Get out of here!” You're fired!" with periodic triumphant returns, combined with tears, delight and repentance. Reorganizations, opening and closing of projects, high-profile demotions and crushing layoffs, or dizzying careers of the “kids” follow one after another. Working with such a “dad” is not boring. Emotional charge, tension and unpredictability are guaranteed. And devotion to the “violent dad” borders on the ritual act of suicide of the African tribe “Hugobugo”. Team buildingthe “let’s join hands, friends” type will not work here. The organization, as a rule, has a “local “degree” pharmacy” or “resuscitation room”, just in case, to prevent stress and other cardiac diseases. And those close to him invite various specialists for “dad,” from smart consultants, coaches, to psychics. But the extremely suspicious “father” will not allow any kind of “almshouse” to be established in the organization. Now, in the age of developing capitalism in Russia, we encounter another multifaceted character. A sort of modern, at the dawn of his powers, “dad”, savvy with different strategies, paradigms, three higher educations and two foreign languages. It represents a clot of energy, sexual magnetism and strength, as well as a concentration of will, power and money. If you don’t look at it so closely, then you can confuse it with the state elite, read as “strategic talent-dad.” Every now and then he attracts followers to himself, like a beacon of ships at sea, reveals the talents of the masses, and what he does best is to draw out all sorts of “potentialities” from “children.” For example, look: who is the most professional in his “family” or find out “who is who”, “who is capable of becoming a vice... or successor”, “find out who you can count on...”, but, as a rule, worthy of such a “father” " is not located. Since no one can be even approximately equal to him. After all, he is the smartest and most talented in the “family”. True, “children” do not always realize this, “mother”, as a rule, takes care of it and forms a personal image. While maintaining nostalgic gratitude and faith in those who started with him, the “parent-dad” dreams of “new blood” from time to time. And the influx of “fresh blood” is combined with the drama of the search for it and anxiety for the safety of the “family” and its foundations. Here you need to have a political sense in order to elegantly dodge the poisonous arrows of some members of the “family”, and at the same time promote business. Perhaps another “one dad” has been noticed in our Russian culture. This is "Sunday Dad". Such a “father” is a very busy person, since his “family” is very large and demanding (everyone wants to “eat”). And sometimes there is not even one, but several, besides, in each “family” there are many “children” of different ages. So this “father of many children” spins like a squirrel in a wheel, he has to feed everyone. He grabs onto any business proposal, develops different directions and projects, picks up all sorts of ideas, “drags around” on business trips, as long as everything goes for the benefit of the “family.” The “kids” rarely see “dad”, mainly on corporate holidays or rare weekdays, on the day of advance payment, salary and general team meeting. Communications with “dad” are more often carried out through “mothers”, each of which is fighting for influence on “dad”. So the psychological climate in such organizations is somewhat reminiscent of the plot of a multi-part Brazilian television series. Success and the armor and fruits of the “Sunday dad” obtained in heavy sweat do not guarantee him a kindred embrace. So, as the family’s appetite grows, so do the demands on “dad”. As a rule, the “father” cannot withstand such long-term loads and goes into a “peak” during takeoff. The “family” is waiting for decisive and active action, but there is no strength left for anything. Of course, the “family circumstances” that deploy certain centrifugal forces of the organization are individual for everyone. Here, as they say, “every family is unhappy in its own way”... There are many details and phenomena of the level under consideration, they can be neglected, but... Often in an organization where there are differences in corporate culture, they are a projection of the complex multi-layered unconscious of its leader (or owner). The contradictory character traits of the main person determine the existence of contradictory tendencies in the organization, both open and operating “under the carpet.” For example, a combination of rigidity, authoritarianism, and the strength of emotional impulses can be combined with sentimentality, sensitivity and.