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In the lives of each of us there are situations that can be called stressful. There is no point in avoiding them. But learning to cope with your condition under stress is a more interesting task. And it will be more practical. Surely you have met people who are not so easy to unsettle. They quickly adapt, easily accept the blows of fate, and are able to control themselves even in the most extraordinary situations. Who are they? And is it possible to learn something like this? They are people with a high level of stress resistance. They are people who are able to cope with their emotions and think through the consequences of their own and others’ actions. They are people with endurance, who are not forced by the collapse of their familiar world to shut down and run away. But often they are not us. If you find it more difficult to cope with stress, do not despair. Stress resistance can be developed. Stress resistance consists of: Personal qualities; Personal experience and ways of responding adopted from parents; Heredity, characteristics of the nervous system. The ability to cope with emotions, motivation, self-confidence are our helpers in difficult times. Anxiety is the first reaction to stress, its first stage. It is best to get out of stress right here, when you still have strength. And first of all, it is important to identify the problem that haunts you. Anxiety does not have an object; it is about something that can happen. Imagine that you need to make an important phone call. You replay it in your head, constantly imagining how badly things could go. What if they are rude, what if they misunderstand, or maybe even send you somewhere else. And now you are stressed, feeling anxious and worried. There are two ways out of such a situation: Path 1: I’ll call tomorrow, it’s not urgent. You can do this next week. The desire to postpone this terrifying call. But if you put off the call, your worries about it are unlikely to go away. Thoughts will return every now and then, and anxiety will grow. Path 2: burn everything with a blue flame, I’m calling! Decisive action to get rid of a situation, thoughts about which are exhausting and depressing. Any consequence will be a fact, not a fantasy. We can work with this fact and take further action. Obviously, solving the problem is more profitable for us. There may not actually be a problem there. But if we don’t check, we won’t know. In every cave that you are afraid to enter, what you are looking for is hidden. Joseph Campbell This option has another bonus. Investment in the future. Experience of overcoming. Remember how hard it was in childhood to say “hello, let’s be friends”, “at the bus stop, please”, and every test was the end of the world. And look back at this. Doesn't it seem so big and scary now? It’s all because you have experience, along with which came a revaluation. This is how we learn and how we develop resistance to stress. It’s great if you can solve the problem without delay. But we know that life is more multifaceted and more complex. Therefore, it is not always possible to cope with everything “here and now.” There are times when it is impossible to bring an exciting event closer, or it depends not only on you. In such situations, it is important to be able to switch. Determine for yourself what depends on you and focus on it (blue circle). Remember that there are things that are beyond your control, take them for granted and use them as a condition for the problem that needs to be solved (green circle). When it rains outside, I take an umbrella with me. To support yourself in difficult situations, use self-help techniques. Physical activity. This will help relieve muscle tension and also relieve your head. During training, you concentrate on doing the exercises, and not on thoughts about the problem. Dancing is especially good, there is definitely no time for extraneous thoughts. Relaxation methods. You may already have your own list of relaxing treatments. For example, a warm bath, yoga, a book, music, a walk. Breathing practices. One of the options is square breathing. Grounding. We return “from heaven to earth”, we turn?