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Love has a profound effect on the body. Research clearly shows that strong partnerships help people prevent serious illness, develop healthy habits, and even prolong their lives. On the other hand, problematic relationships cause stress, weaken the immune system and lead to many other negative consequences. Excess body weight. It is well known that when meeting a new partner, we try to look our best. However, after addiction, the exact opposite happens, as evidenced by the famous saying that love passes through the stomach. Scientists have come to the same conclusion. According to research, married people tend to gain weight. It has been proven that after a divorce, some people lose weight again. Weight is influenced by a significant number of factors, and often spouses motivate each other to move more. Stress. Relationships affect stress levels, both positively and negatively. For example, regular sex relieves stress and promotes mental and physical well-being. This is supported by a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, which found that people who had regular physical intimacy remained mentally healthier and were generally satisfied with their relationships and lives. In contrast, controversy and quarrels negatively affect the body and lead to more stress. Problems with sleep. Sleeping next to someone you love and trust can help you relax better and fall asleep faster. Partners often interact with each other during sleep, especially if, for example, one of them snores, has trouble breathing, or likes to roll over. By doing this, he disrupts the natural rest of his spouse, which will lead to fatigue and irritability. Oncology. Several studies have shown that marriage improves survival for people with prostate, lung and colon cancer. Loneliness and stress caused by separation negatively affect the immune system, the decline of which leads to insidious diseases. Blood pressure and the heart. Researchers at Brigham Young University found that people living in happy marriages tend to have lower blood pressure than those living alone. Living in an unhealthy relationship causes our bodies to release stress hormones and our hearts to beat faster. These factors can have a long-term impact on blood pressure. But the connection between relationships and cardiovascular health goes far beyond blood pressure. Various studies have shown that a good relationship between spouses is associated with a lower risk of heart attack and better recovery after heart surgery, especially in men. Love, Live Healthy, Rich and Long! :-)