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Working with children for years, I often notice how mothers or fathers tell their daughters and sons “don’t be harmful, calm down, now let’s go and buy you something, just don’t yell!” !!!" Parents, tired of worries and troubles, are ready to do anything so that their child does not bother them with his whims! Buy a 25th car for your son, a bag of sweets, everything that their child wants... What happens in the end!? Commodity-money relations!!! Every time the child will understand that any whim will be satisfied! Better yet, I'll get what I want!!! And the parent is all soapy after work and will be glad: he bought it and forgot it! The main thing is that your wallet allows it! What does this lead to!? The child begins to manipulate his parents! Fish for another toy! The child is growing and his needs are growing! And then the moment will come when the parent will not have an extra amount of money for the child’s next whim, and the baby will demand and demand until he goes crazy! Sad sight!!!! Moms and dads believe that with their purchases and gifts they can win the boundless love of their child! Is this what a little man needs!? I like the saying: “Do you want your child to grow up to be a good person!? Buy him less, pay more attention!” It’s wonderful when a family lives in abundance and can afford a lot! The importance of money in our time has not been canceled! But raising a child to be a cynic, who will then boast of expensive things in front of other children, pointing out that his parents are rich and yours are poor, is unacceptable! Unfortunately, in my practice I have had such conversations between 5-year-old children! You can’t explain to a child that money has to be earned, sometimes through hard work, it doesn’t fall from the sky! Parents need to teach their child to work from an early age, starting with cleaning up their toys! All this helps the baby grow up more responsible! At an older age, you can already talk with children about what work is and what rewards for work are! The child needs attention from the parents! I often hear: “I’m so tired at work that I don’t have the strength to care for my child!” But the child doesn’t care, he’s tired Are you tired or not? He wants to feel cared for by his parents! You can always find time to: * Read before bed; * Talk about how your day went; * Praise your child for his little achievements, which are huge for him!!! * Hug, kiss, play games... All these moments are so important for the formation of trusting and warm relationships between children and parents. No money can replace parental care and love... And so that later there is no excruciating pain, cultivate kindness, responsibility, honesty in your child from an early age , responsiveness and understanding that monetary values ​​are not the main thing in life...