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From the author: I am often asked questions about my attitude to all kinds of coding and other forms of hypnotic influence. If we ignore the legal aspects (when real charlatans are involved in this), then this topic is worthy of discussion. In my article I will try to highlight some of the features of the coding process using the example of the fight against excess weight. I myself work with the problem of excess weight using other methods. Published on Problems associated with excess weight are familiar to almost every modern person: according to statistics, from ten to thirty percent of people would do well to lose a certain number of kilograms. However, some people prefer to live the way they live, some exhaust themselves with diets and workouts, and some prefer coding for excess weight. What are the features of this method and what are its advantages and disadvantages - look for answers to these questions in our article.[/url]How does it work? The essence of the coding procedure comes down to the fact that a psychotherapeutic suggestion is made to a patient suffering from overeating. As a rule, it comes down to developing a fear of overeating in a person. This fear should be really strong and refer to what the person losing weight fears most: health problems, external unattractiveness or eternal loneliness. It can also be a psychological prohibition on eating any foods for which a person has a particular weakness. Any coding is an impact on the human psyche and consciousness, as a result of which there is an uncritical perception and acceptance of the attitudes and beliefs transmitted by the psychotherapist. During the procedure itself, foci of inhibition and excitation are formed in the brain, thanks to which a person’s old eating habits are destroyed and new ones are formed. Sometimes, as an alternative to fear, an overweight person develops an aversion to certain types of food, so when he smells it, negative emotions immediately arise within him. The main tool through which the overweight coding works is psycholinguistic programming: the psychotherapist chooses a certain rhythm of speech, selects the right words, as if entering the patient’s consciousness and tuning into his “wave”. This is usually achieved by immersing the client in a trance state and subsequent suggestion, which includes one or more elements: a sequence of statements with which a person will obviously agree and which are almost impossible to refute, shock, surprise. Suggestion can be mobilizing (for example, “using resources of the unconscious mind will allow you to get rid of excess weight”), limitedly open (“there are many varied and comfortable food options”) or covering all possibilities, i.e. when, after listing all the options, we add “or something else” (“your subconscious mind can use anything to eliminate excess weight: the words I say, the images that arise in your mind, or something else”). As a result of such procedures, a person relaxes, gains confidence in the doctor and begins to absorb the information transmitted by the psychotherapist like a sponge - this is the only way to achieve the desired effect. Coding for excess weight, which includes elements of a positive attitude and is combined with psychotherapy, is considered the most effective.[/url]Advantages of codingCoding for excess weight has a number of undeniable advantages, which makes many people choose this particular method. The most important advantage of this system is its effectiveness in the case of competent implementation of suggestion and parallel processing of personal problems, which, as is known, in most cases are the cause of eating disorders. Coding is a symptomatic treatment, but in order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the disorder, which is only possible with the help of psychotherapy. AnotherThe advantage of coding is its relative short duration. For example, certain types of psychotherapy, such as psychoanalysis, can take years, while coding is designed for a limited number of sessions. Of course, you shouldn’t count on getting rid of overeating in one session, but usually no more than ten procedures are performed as part of the main course. That is why, despite the fact that the cost of one coding session may be higher than the cost of a psychotherapeutic consultation, fewer are required, and, accordingly, you spend less money on the fight against excess weight. Coding does not require radical changes in your lifestyle: you can continue to go to work, communicate with friends, do household chores - the desire for change after completing the course will come from you, which means the relative painlessness of changes in your life. You will probably change your eating habits, but this will not be a consequence of strict restrictions, but, most likely, a consequence of some kind of restructuring in your mind. Coding is an additional help to those resources of self-regulation and self-control that a person already has. This procedure makes it easier for the patient to change unhealthy behavior and develop healthy habits. That is why coding is actively used in the treatment of all forms of addictive behavior.[/url]Disadvantages of coding However, coding is not a panacea, otherwise humanity would have long ago eradicated all problems associated with alcohol, drugs, smoking, excess weight, gambling, etc. d. ... It has a number of disadvantages, which in many cases outweigh its advantages. The most important disadvantage of coding is that it does not eliminate the cause of addiction - it places restrictions on the manifestation of bad eating habits, but does not in any way affect their source. In many cases, it becomes much more difficult for a person to live, because he has been deprived of his favorite way of dealing with stress and avoiding life’s difficulties. He looks at all the harmful foods with hungry eyes, but cannot eat them, and this is a source of additional negative experiences. Such a person becomes like a tiger in a cage, who is just waiting for the opportunity to break free and indulge in all the seriousness of his food fantasies. That is why, when building the right strategy for working with eating disorders, coding is one of the initial stages and is always combined with psychotherapy. Another important disadvantage of coding for excess weight is its effect on the subconscious, which, as you know, is a subtle and little-studied thing. That is why the slightest flaws in the procedure of hypnotic influence can later lead to very unpleasant consequences: lack of effect in the mildest version and headaches, amnesia and depression in the severe version. For example, in cases where coding is based on the formation of fear or disgust, acute attacks of these negative feelings can occur in the patient only when approaching any harmful foods - hamburgers and chips. But one of your close people may love them very much, which will create significant interference in your communication with him! Coding for excess weight has another unpleasant feature. In situations where the suggestion concerns a ban on the abuse of alcohol, drugs or cigarettes, everything is clear - they are simply erased from life, and the person calmly exists without them. But what about food? Will the ban affect any specific products or some type of food? After all, a person cannot be prohibited from eating at all! All these questions must be clarified with a psychotherapist before carrying out the coding procedure. The disadvantages of the coding procedure are also indicated by an extensive list of contraindications: traumatic brain injuries, neurological and mental diseases, cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney failure, previous diseases, pregnancy and a lot others. However.