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From the author: To help specialists diagnose mental development. To help parents with upbringing. Criteria for the harmonious mental development of a child from 1 year to 2 years. Continuing the publication of articles on the harmonious development of a child’s psyche, we will consider what you need to know about what behavior is typical for a child in this age period. By the first year of life, the baby is already walking with or without the support of one adult’s hand. Says about ten words, but understands more. Drinks from a cup independently and uses a spoon. Draws attention to the speaker's face. Looks at toys. Understands and follows 5-10 instructions (bring this, close the door, give me a cup, etc.). At 1 year 6 months, he speaks simple phrases, answers familiar questions to an adult without delay, his gait is confident, he climbs onto a chair or sofa independently. He climbs up the stairs and slides down. 1 year 6 months – 1 year 9 months. Recognizes his clothes. Plays with big construction sets. Turns the pages of books. Builds a toy house and a gate. Playfully repeats the gestures he has seen. Sits on a small chair. Able to walk on a small bench. Cries to get his way (manipulates adults or others). Uses two-word sentences: “give me”, “let’s go there.” Answers questions from an adult while looking at pictures. Drinks from a cup held with one hand. Eats independently with a spoon from a plate. Takes off or puts on a hat, undresses with a little help from an adult. 1 year 9 months – 2 years. Performs simple verbal instructions. Recognizes and names animals and objects known to him. Expresses thoughts in simple phrases, uses verbs and pronouns. Knows how to select paired pictures (from lotto or cubes). Plays with a ball, tears up paper. Jumps, confidently climbs stairs, holding on to something, puts away toys after himself, asks to use the potty, listens to fairy tales with surprise. Steps over obstacles in alternating steps. Plays with other children. Knows the word “impossible.” Pronounces light words correctly. Uses more than ten gestures. Understands adult stories. Eats and drinks independently and carefully. Tries to get dressed with the help of an adult. Stays dry throughout the day. He takes off his pants before sitting on the potty. Please note that the behavior of an individual child may not always coincide with generally accepted indicators. But timely correction allows parents to remain calm and confident in raising their child, their children. Good luck in your education! Literature:1. Internet sources;2. Lectures: T.G.Galimova.