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From the author: The theory of inescapable fear. Part threeCulture is a set of ways to feel fear... Recently I told you about a tribe of amazing creatures called shy people. Always afraid and timid, they flock together and make the most touching impression on the world around them. I also explained to you the history of their ancient country, its bizarre customs, morals and social structure. The time has come to talk about their culture... SCARY MOVIE The most important of all arts for shy people is cinema, which they themselves sometimes admit in moments of frankness. Although frankness is rarely characteristic of them, as it can reveal mental anguish, and this is scary. Pugivets believes that if others find out about his true feelings, they will laugh and tease him. Therefore, many of them run to cinemas in their free time. There, in complete darkness, huddled closely together and pressing each other with all their strength, they try to forget about their fears. They usually like to watch scary movies, about terrible disasters, crimes and nightmares, and often scream in fear. The viscous horror flowing from the screen allows them to temporarily forget about the real nightmares left in the real outside world. Coming out into the air after the horror they have experienced, they sigh with relief, are glad that they remained safe, and for a couple of minutes they can feel like daredevils. After a few days everything has to be repeated. EXCITING TRAGEDIES The art of cinema, so beloved by this glorious people, traces its ancestry to the old art of theatre, public performances and executions. Those, in turn, inherit religious and patriotic cults, which are more ancient and terrible. So once upon a time, sacrifices and torture were part of them. The favorite pastime of the ancient fearful people was the contemplation of these frightening events. Public executions, torture and sacrifices of their fellow tribesmen, heart-rendingly screaming and crying in fear, helped the timid to momentarily forget their personal fears and feel a sense of their own strength. Subsequently, they noticed that they often wanted to contemplate terrible things, and the number of potential victims was limited. Then they invented theater, and then cinema and news programs. There, specially trained individuals depicted suffering and fears of all possible types, remaining unharmed. Modern shy people watch them every evening. TERRIBLE BOOKS It should be noted that most timid adults prefer to sit at home in their hole, leaving it only when absolutely necessary, or to earn a living. The world is full of threats and fears, and they would like not to have to deal with it. This funny dream led to the emergence of such an amazing genre as books. A book is a presentation of events from the lives of other shy people, usually completely fictitious and full of dangers and fears. In the evenings and holidays, timidly huddled in a chair, millions of these cute creatures live the life of their imaginary relatives. They are usually extremely proud of it. When we meet, every shy person who calls himself cultured tries to compare with others the number of books he has read, that is, the many lives he has lived instead of his own. Those who read more than others are respected as moral authorities. That’s why shy people lie all the time, saying that they read something they didn’t read. But they are always trembling and afraid of getting caught. TIMID SPIRIT Contemplation of suffering and fears of the most varied nature constitutes the main and almost the only content of the culture of timid people. Surprisingly, they divide them into three categories, according to the degree of strength and ferocity, accordingly dividing culture into crude mass culture, sublime elite culture, and sacred culture. This bizarre division comes from the fact that the Button, afraid to recognize himself as a whole being, divides himself into three parts, not connected with each other. He calls them body, soul and spirit. Now he is not alone, there are three of him, and he is not so scared. He believes that if something happens to one of the parts, he will save the others. Accordingly, cultural acts are divided into rough - depicting the torment and fears of the body, high - showing the torment and fear of the soul, and sacred - showing the torment and fear of the soul.…