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How to teach a child to put away toys? 1. Gradually teaching the child to clean up toys after playing. Do this together with the child, and not instead of him. This way you teach your child to be responsible. You should not expect that this will become a favorite activity and will happen automatically. But your goal is not to raise a “Cinderella.” First, the child will help you put two toys in the basket. Praise him. Next time more, then half. And by the age of 5, he will be able to put away the toys himself after your request. After all, he is already “my mother’s big helper”))).2. The number of toys should be feasible. Obviously, a child will not clean up 3 boxes of toys. Choose 10 toys with your child and remove the rest. After a while, replace them with others, taking into account the child’s preferences. Regularly review the number of toys and discuss with your child which ones he wants to say goodbye to (if the child does not miss them and they do not interest him). And in what way? Will you give it to the orphanage for other children? Will you send it to church or kindergarten? Or maybe a friend's children? Either the conversation will act as an additional motivation to put away toys on time, or you will develop in the child such qualities as compassion, kindness and generosity. Don’t give away his favorite toys without discussing it with your child! This will only cause offense.3. Divide the toys into groups: for the room, for the bathroom, for the kitchen, for the street. Give each category its own place.4. Teach your child educational games: spillikins, corners, triangles, checkers, giveaways, chess. If the child shows interest, then you can play lotto with him (the child should be interested in showing the number correctly, but you, of course, do not place bets). Tag, children's crossword puzzles, Sudoku, dominoes, backgammon and others. A game of chess can last a week and therefore does not need to be cleared from the table, unlike a construction set, the parts of which are assembled immediately after the game. 5. Cleaning can be turned into a game of “getting the toy into the box.” Place a toy box and throw a stuffed animal into it while shouting “Hurray! I got!" and give yourself a round of applause. The child will also want to experience delight and receive recognition. Applaud your child every time the next toy goes into the box. It’s great when you can organize any activity while maintaining your child’s interest. Gradually teaching him new skills, thus developing him. Without violence and pressure. What were your favorite games as a child? Take care of yourself and remember: there is no shame in asking for help! Your SV psychologist