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I’ll tell you about my favorite path. I didn’t notice it right away, I walked not far from it on the grass and earth, among tall oak trees. But sometimes, when it was raining, we had to walk along this very path. It's a little longer, a full minute. But what a view it offers every morning. I didn't always notice him. Usually I was immersed in my gloomy thoughts about how I got up early again and didn’t get enough sleep. And so every weekday morning, 5 times a week. If I tell you that in a month and a half I have fallen in love with getting up in the morning and I get up with ease, will you believe me? And rightly so. Don’t believe it) People call such people owls, but in psychology they are a late chronotype. I like to have some time to myself at night, after the kids are in bed and asleep. Drink cocoa and a sandwich, watch short videos, read, and sometimes even study. This is my time, time for me. But the world belongs to larks (early chronotypes), so you need to take your child to school early, and therefore get up too. In the morning, I save every minute of my sleep, so I calculated to the smallest detail how much time we need to get ready, breakfast and travel. The schedule is clear and precise, we adhere to it 97%. This is the first point. Why don’t people like to get up in the morning? I think many will agree with me that people often don’t like dragging themselves out of a soft, warm blanket into the cold air of an apartment. I don't like it very much. Therefore, here is my point two. I solved the problem with the help of an air conditioner: at the first alarm, I turn on the room heating, and as a result I get up warm, and this is +20 to my mood. Get up without bargaining. Point three. When the alarm clock rings (this is my third and last), the thoughts in my head turn on their organ: well, the last minutes are over, I have to get up, I don’t feel like it. And I really agree with this song, because I composed it myself, but at the moment it is useless. You still have to get up, and your mood will be ruined before you even get to the toilet. So, at 7.30, when the last alarm goes off, I immediately get out of bed. No lingering, no softening. Alarm clock - got up - went. Fourth point. I give myself time, after I get up, to “suffer.” I conducted an experiment, I thought it took me 1 minute. All. While making breakfast for the child, I give myself time to whine if I want; lament if possible, and then I lose interest in it. That is, the most difficult time lasts 1 minute. And you don’t have to burden yourself and suffer all day. So, here’s the fifth point. The most tender and beloved. The one with which I started my story. Getting up is, of course, cool, but you still need to take yourself outside. Wet, cold, windy, rainy... Who would want to go there? So I don’t really care, to be honest. But I have my crash, my life, my beach - my path. Which is the same every day, but different. Which changes a little every day, which greets me with something new every day. And I capture this moment in a photo. Every morning, 5 days a week. Well, is it possible to miss an opportunity and see what it is like today? P.S. I'm now about 5 months into this experiment. I noticed that most days I don’t even suffer in the morning. I just get up, I just do what I need to do. Sign up for a consultation, subscribe to the telegram channel, receive a value guide as a gift