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When I realized that my marriage had failed, I decided to look into this issue in detail. I was wondering how a man and a woman are attracted to each other? Why does love arise between two people? And why, when people fall in love, they live for some time in the illusion of happiness, but when the period of hormonal love passes, which lasts from 3 months to 3 years, then the first difficulties begin in the couple, which often develop into serious conflicts. I sat down with books and courses for 3 long months. I studied all available theories: from the biology of human behavior to the theory of the functioning of the hormonal system. But all this did not give me a comprehensive answer and a sense of total truth. Then I plunged deeply into psychotherapeutic approaches. I was especially interested in whether childhood mental trauma could affect the compatibility of partners. My efforts were rewarded; I found an approach that brought together all my knowledge of psychology, all my psychotherapeutic experience and provided answers to all the questions posed above. I became acquainted with the technique of marital therapy, which clarifies what happens in our unconscious when people fall in love and what happens after the period of falling in love. It turns out that in early childhood, during interaction with parents, a certain image called an imago is formed in the child at a subconscious level. This imago image consists of the positive and negative qualities of both parents. The process of imago formation is biologically determined, it is necessary for the survival of the child and is somewhat similar to imprinting - a form of learning by imprinting in animals and birds. So, the imago image helps the child recognize his parents and distinguish them from other adults. But the most interesting thing is that in adulthood it is this imago image that determines our attraction to this or that person. And when we meet someone who matches our imago, we fall in love. It turns out that our love is the expectation that the chosen one will be like our parents, but our chosen one will behave better with us than our mother and father. We expect our partner to meet our needs that our parents failed to meet during our childhood. I was very interested in the approach in which people are attracted to each other by their early traumas. The most interesting thing is that there is a simple formula with which you can calculate your imago image and see which partners with which traits we attract into our lives over and over again. When I took this test, I was very surprised at what kind of men I attract into my life, but I clearly traced the patterns in all my relationships before and during marriage. I began to use this test in working with women who had questions about relationships. Everyone who went through it was shocked; they found explanations for many situations in their family life. It turns out that knowing your imago image is simply necessary for any person in order to first of all understand with whom you are in a relationship. Knowing your imago image will help you build a harmonious relationship with your partner if you are married. And if you are looking for a partner, then knowing your imago image will help you understand the portrait of the person who will most likely attract you. And knowing who you might unconsciously react to, you can control the process of choosing a partner, that is, you can consciously choose the person who suits you best.