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We often encounter difficulties on our way that can undermine our faith in ourselves. And even though faith in one’s strengths in the form of self-respect and self-esteem is instilled in us from childhood and is the foundation of the development of our personality, this does not mean that it is unshakable: it can be easily broken even by a minor failure in any area: be it personal life or career. Faith in It’s easy to break ourselves and hard to restore, this is something that we grow and develop in ourselves permanently throughout our lives. She is the fragile fruit of our own work, and there is a huge advantage in this - if you learn to keep it “on the level”, then no personal obstacles are scary. Now I will tell you about seven basics that can teach you never to lose faith in yourself, and if it is already torn, then you can easily bring yourself back to life!1. Positive environment. And we are talking about an environment that is not only positive, but one that is filled with faith in you and will never allow anyone to doubt your merits. You must understand that everything that is inside necessarily, in one way or another, reflects what surrounds you. Let's imagine for a second that there are judgmental, humiliating, constantly dissatisfied people around you, your attention is never enough for them, you are never good enough for them, your achievements are always small. Of course, next to such a company, no one, even the strongest person, will be able to open up or develop. Remember that the purity of your environment is a guarantee of the purity of your personality. Cleanliness of the environment is your responsibility alone, so take the task of “cleaning” and “selecting” people seriously, as a vital task. Don’t be afraid to filter your surroundings harshly and harshly, because people who don’t want you to succeed work like poison for your personality. If you do everything with kindness and love for yourself, then those who elevate you, inspire you and feed you with faith will remain nearby. And even in the most difficult period of your life, even a simple telephone conversation with one of them will save you - a wonderful option, right? 2. Never compare! Compare restaurants, their dishes, compare employers. Everything is relative. But never, never compare yourself to anyone. Remember, this is unnatural! People are unique, each has their own story, their own baggage of experience behind them, their own list of victories and failures. Know that you and your point of view are the same for you and no one can ever compare with you in your views, achievements, not to mention your appearance form. Appearance, weight, hair color and size of whatever it is are not criteria, but characteristics. Do you feel the difference? Not criteria for assessing ideality, not criteria for comparing people, but characteristics of individuality. Comparing people is like comparing planets in space: always, without exception, only the name is common. By comparing yourself, you are only immersed in thoughts that have no true outcome: you will never come to a conclusion in such a monologue, it is a waste of vital energy and , often, nerves. From this comes the following point: 3. Love yourself. Yes, can you imagine? Yourself! Don’t think about selfishness, that’s not what we’re talking about at all. Self-confidence rests on a solid foundation of many factors, including self-respect, self-esteem, i.e. self-love. Loving yourself is not selfishness, it is a healthy life position of any person who is able to move through life with courage and ease. Accept yourself as you are, through the prism of realizing that you are unique and incomparable to anyone. Pure love for all that you are gives rise to the strongest belief in yourself, because we all truly believe in what we love!4. Know yourself. The most powerful weapon is knowledge. You are always strong if you are armed with understanding and knowledge of what you are immersed in. If you know yourself, it is easy for you to understand the nature of your thoughts, actions, emotions and experiences. We always strive to learn more deeply about what we love, i.e. recognizing yourself is a more than natural, natural process. Think, say, about children: from a very young age they learn about their body, their!