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“Hello. Tell me, there are situations when my child (6 years old) behaves somehow strangely, grimaces too much, makes faces, bends over, and generally plays around with all his might. This happens to him with high frequency. Either he tries to imitate adults, then he again turns into a spoiler. What is this? And how to react to all this?” Yes, indeed. “Antics” is a common phenomenon in children. Adults in such situations are most often lost and cannot understand how to react to all this. Either to calm down, or to punish, or to try to calmly explain that such behavior looks strange from the outside. You need to distinguish between the desire to be a child, relax, sparkle, be spontaneous and too often “antics,” pampering, teasing, sticking out your tongue, and so on. .Too frequent “antics” in a child can be based on psychological disharmony. “Antics” can be considered as: - a response to the wrong attitude on the part of the parents (when the child, due to his characteristics, perceives the parents’ reactions as unfair, takes it to heart and begins consider himself bad, and not his actions, as a result he begins to behave in such a way as to cause irritation and anger of his parents, in order to confirm his observation - that he is bad) - the release of accumulated tension (children's tension, which is the same in strength as in adults) - realization of unused talent (a child may have an active nature, due to which he needs to constantly be busy with something, for which the parents are responsible, but if there is no such busyness, energy accumulates and can be expressed in antics, self-indulgence, disobedience, and so on) - desire to attract attention (parents should know the axiom: the more positive attention they give to the child (hugs, praise, compliments, kisses, words of encouragement), the less negative attention will be needed) How do adults react to a child’s “antics” so that in the future it descends to minimum: - no need for a violent reaction - looked - turned away - then went about their business (if the situation occurs in a public place - distract the child as much as possible) “this is so that the antics do not become fixed” - praise more, do not compare with anyone, say compliments, give prizes for what has worked, come up with competitions where the child wins more often “this is to raise self-esteem and to make the child understand what his actions are fruitful” - observe the child, what is he like? What temperament? What are the tendencies? Active/passive? “in order to properly create conditions for his life, so that most of the energy is spent on good” personal time for the child. The child should have 20-30 minutes a day for close, family-like communication with his parents; if there are several children, then with each in turn. This happens most often before bed. Usually at this time questions are asked like: “How was your day? What surprised you? What new did you learn? What made you angry? What made you happy?” “in order for a child to feel an emotional connection with a parent” In general, for a child to reduce “antics” to a minimum, TIME and PATIENCE will be required. These two assistants can change a lot, if not everything. Thank you for your attention! If the material was interesting to you, please click on “Say thanks” and/or “Share” and/or “Subscribe”)! I invite you! https:// vk.com/family.harmonyINSTGR_LINK