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Let's start with something more understandable and less scary... You woke up and remembered your dream. Some of you have already retold it to a friend, colleague, or “that random…” who happened to be nearby at the table. Ask yourself “why?” Of course, not so that they envy your “gorgeous dreams.” Behind every "night story" there is always the same question: "What does this mean?" You don’t find the answer and go “to the people.” “People” love to “show off their competence” and will gladly post a “conclusion” on your dream, and you... What will you do now? Before you slap yourself on the forehead and say “Ahhh...”, think about how strangers and numerous dream interpreters relate to your dreams? While you are thinking, we will move on to another interesting state... If the word “sleep” seems quite natural and even desirable for many, then most people are wary and very wary of the word “trance”. To many, this seems like something otherworldly, mind-numbing and generally...beyond the understanding of the average person. You will be surprised, but you experience this state several times a day and call it with a variety of words: “stupor”, “stupid”, “like a zombie”, “stuck”, “failed”. And there's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, you “relax” with pleasure, looking with “glassy eyes” into a cup of coffee. At the moment of “stupor”, you can doze off for a few minutes and “encounter” the same images as in a dream. This is a natural physiological need of our body. Trance is always present in your life, whether you like it or not. If you are ready to admit that your “stupor” is the same as an “unintentional trance,” then now let’s move on to a more “organized…” Having learned how to purposefully enter a trance, by the way, you can learn from us, you are immersed in a certain atmosphere. Travel, connect with your inner self, admire the scenery and relax. Your subconscious mind gladly broadcasts a variety of images to you. In the state between sleep and wakefulness, you can solve many problems, find answers to the most difficult questions, make the right choices and get rid of old beliefs. The answer to the question “how can you help yourself” is encrypted in “pictures”. Thus, the subconscious communicates with you... But what to do if you don’t understand a word? Not everyone is able to be aware of themselves both in a dream and in a trance. This ability can be developed through training and depends solely on your desire and perseverance. Decide how important it is for you to receive signs, warnings and answers “from the depths”? If you intend to establish contact with yourself, then read on...You have two options to find out the true meaning of your images. In the first case, while in a dream or trance, you boldly step towards the image that interests you. At any point in your journey, you can pause and begin to figure out what this image is. Ask him: “Who (what) are you?” What are you doing here? Ask him questions. No matter what it looks like, it can be a living creature or an inanimate object. In any case, you can ask him about the mission. In a trance state, this changes the further course of events, the subconscious will immediately correct it and the journey will be reorganized. The second option consists of two stages. In a trance state or dream, you remember what symbols and images you saw. Then get out of the trance or wake up (it is important to remember what you saw) and, at a convenient time, purposefully, re-enter the trance state and “communicate” with the symbols you saw earlier. Ask direct questions until you get a clear answer. Some images do not “answer” immediately. For example, while in a trance state, your attention was attracted by an “iron chest”. Something like this dialogue will appear between you and the image: - What are you doing? - I am a chest... Until you get the answer you are interested in, continue: - Why are you doing this? - To store something... - Why were you on this particular “journey”? -And then so that you...If you encounter unreadable things (another language,!