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WHEN YOU SHOULD CHOOSE THE HELP OF A PSYCHOLOGIST When you need to make a choice, but you don’t make it, this is also a choice (W. James) Sometimes there are times when we do not have enough of our own strength to resolve difficulties. It rarely happens that we are completely unable to cope with a life situation, difficult experiences or some kind of disaster that occurs in our lives. One way or another, we find the strength and resources to live on, adapt to new conditions, reconsider our own values ​​and ideas about our lives and ourselves. We balance like tightrope walkers, freeze, look for balance and continue on our way. It happens that in coping, we pay too high a price - the time of our lives to survive the amount of pain and suffering that we experience (some need less time, some more, and some need their whole life to hold on to it). itself in an equilibrium state). Our experiences can also be transformed into bodily symptoms - pain and even somatic diseases, in which mental pain is hidden. In addition, we spend a lot of effort and energy, which is no longer enough to remain socially active spouses, parents, friends, employees, etc. The consequences of all this can be - lack of inspiration and self-confidence; concern and anxiety of our loved ones for us and many others. And in order to prevent these unnecessary sacrifices and save time in your life for something more important, it makes sense to seek help from a specialist - a professional psychologist or psychotherapist. This should be done in such cases when: • You cease to understand what you feel and what you want for for a long time;• You feel confused and dissatisfied;• You feel helpless and, it seems, there is no strength to cope with life’s difficulties;• You feel boredom and apathy, nothing pleases you and everything seems colorless and meaningless;• There is no desire to live;• You suddenly you notice that strong feelings of anger, irritability and other feelings have appeared, which have become more difficult and longer to endure; • some traumatic situations have occurred - death, divorce, violence, serious illness, etc.. These can also be such situations , such as pregnancy, the birth of a child or moving, if in connection with this you are faced with unexpected experiences and experience discomfort;• You make a decision for a long time and painfully and it seems that there are no options and there is only one choice, or, on the contrary, there are too many of them and, you don’t know what is right for you;• You are aware of the reasons for your difficulties, but do nothing to change the situation;• You experience various difficulties and problems in communication situations, interaction with other people (relatives, children, etc.) ;• there are some bodily symptoms or psychosomatic diseases (for example, neurodermatitis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.);• one of your loved ones is suffering or is in some difficult life circumstances; and at the same time does nothing and does not ask for help. You can turn to a psychologist to alleviate your condition and find new resources and opportunities to help your loved one or help yourself - accept his choice; • You feel that “something is wrong” and you have a desire to change your life for the better;. There are probably many more reasons to go to a psychologist, just as there are many reasons not to go. And it's great that each of us has the opportunity to choose..