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I feel more and more sorry for men. Probably because my sons have grown up and are about to enter adulthood. And because I know too well about what really happens to women. And this also happened to me at one time. A disease called Emancipation... I fought for my rights, which, to be honest, no one violated... But on the contrary... I cared... And I wanted to care even more... To protect... To be a man... Strong... But for this I had to be a woman... And weak... But I was carried away... I didn’t want dependence... But I wanted a career... Fame... Success... I wanted to be a leader ... To dominate... As usual, there are no two leaders in one family. In such cases, relationships sooner or later crack. I want to share my conclusions with those who are now following in my footsteps... With the strong and independent... Who every day defend their rights to personal freedom in the family... I assure you. You will receive it. Just not in the way you expect. Now I am in my second marriage, the relationship in which is built completely differently than in the first. I made conclusions. I accepted the fact that I am a woman. Weak. Dependent. That it is absolutely not my business to take care of the well-being of the family and make decisions. Now I help my husband... If he asks for help in working with personnel or in advertising (after all, I am a psychologist)... But this happens extremely rarely... The rest of the time, as befits a man, he takes care of me and the children... I only do that , what I like. And he is very proud that he can allow me to do this. I have no work from 8 to 18. I consult and write only when there is a desire. Most of the time I take care of the house, its arrangement (ruffles, lace, rugs, curtains, needlework), and everyday life... That is, I perform purely feminine functions. I make sure that my husband and sons are comfortable. I provide the spiritual side of human existence, peace, comfort and healthy nutrition. The conclusions that I made from my own mistakes are the following: 1. Get your priorities right. Not according to fashion. And it is correct regarding the world order. There is a wise remark: “If God is in first place, everything else will be in its own way.” God comes first. For me, as a believer, it cannot be any other way. I live according to God’s Laws, among which there is the main one for a family woman: “And the Lord God created a wife from a rib taken from a man, and brought her to the man. And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she will be called woman, for she was taken from man. Therefore a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife; and they will become one flesh." (Genesis 2:22-24) That is, first God creates a man who is the Head of the family, and even with a capital letter. Then a woman is given to help the man - you. And as your common continuation and fruit of love - children. This is the ideal hierarchy of family structure. God-man-woman-children... And then everyone else... In no case the other way around. 2. Treat your husband with respect. Always. Regardless of the attitude and opinions of others about him. If he is next to you, this alone is worthy of respect. If only because few men are now ready for a serious relationship, to take responsibility for a woman, and even more so to enter into a legal marriage with her. The majority prefer superficial, non-committal relationships. Today they have one, tomorrow they have another... Therefore, cherish them. And this will not go unnoticed. Support his desire to dominate the family and realize his masculinity. Let him make manly decisions on his own. Without your participation... But sometimes with your input. 3. Don't look around. Take care of what you have. And a careful attitude will help make what you have much more valuable. In a female environment, whatever one may say, discussions of each other’s everyday life and family life are accepted and quite common. Which is a serious mistake and leads to all sorts of troubles. Envy is also an integral feminine quality. Some want.