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How to leave a mark on Earth if you are not a famous artist, painter or musician? You know, when I first came to psychology, I was convinced that I had no prerequisites to be a psychologist before. I never looked in the direction of this profession, until a certain time. But, I was mistaken. My memory will forever preserve the memories of those conversations that my grandfather had with me and they constantly popped up in my head. And only recently I realized why. My grandfather didn’t like when you came to him and the word “hello” was said, he said, you should say “hello.” At first I didn’t understand what the big deal was, but when he explained, it became clearer. He said: “What’s behind the word “hello”? Nothing! Emptiness! And when you say “hello” to another person, behind this word there is a very strong message of health to the person. It turns out that that word is empty, but this is medicinal. You understand this when you look deep into the root.” At first glance, an ordinary conversation. But not for me. Now I see that even then, in the elementary grades of school, I was given the skills to look at the essence, to look at what is behind. And strangely enough, this is exactly what I do in my profession: I heal with words; I look at what is behind the symptom with which the client comes to me; what is the essence of the problem. It is common to think that if you are not a famous artist, painter, musician, then you do not leave any trace of yourself on Earth. It is a mistake to think so. My grandfather has long been gone from the physical world, but his trace still lives within me to this day. Once upon a time, he found the time, the desire, the right words, the approach to tell me this. And he succeeded. And what I do today has a direct connection with what was once upon a time laid down on the deepest layer of my values ​​by one of my first Mentors. Each of us at different stages of our development needs a mentor. That is why I am now in the process of creating my own product, in order to help novice psychologists look immediately in depth, to the root, feel their confidence and expertise, announce their talent to the world and realize themselves. Well, a wish from me: look deep into