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From the author: After the publication of an interview with me, which discussed the possibility of correcting a person’s psycho-emotional and physical states, I received many calls and emails, almost half of which were devoted to the topic of computer syndrome is a mysterious and poorly understood disease. This is not surprising: computers today are present in almost every home, and people want to know the “enemy” by sight. The Internet - this nationwide information flea market - provides information about this disease that is as scattered as it is specific. Professional doctors vying with each other in terms - some are more sophisticated than others, but this does not make it any easier for us: the problem remains foggy and vague. And the reason for this is the complex composition of the disease. The computer is an insidious creature. Pretending at first to be a devoted friend and helper (which, by the way, for many he really is), having penetrated almost every home, he has so captured our attention and time that he sometimes replaces the meaning of life. You can’t drag children away from games for hours, adults stand watch from morning to evening in front of office monitors, and all this, of course, does not pass without a trace for our body. Medicine did not immediately recognize the trouble and sounded the alarm, at first there were scattered, unrelated complaints. did not correlate with the computer. The fact is that the complex, later called computer syndrome, consists of five different pathologies: visual syndrome; tunnel (carpal tunnel syndrome); spinal syndrome; respiratory (pulmonary, thoracic) syndrome; venous (vascular) syndrome. Let's start with the main thing - visual a syndrome familiar to everyone without exception, since every user - some earlier, some later - encounters it first and foremost. It begins with discomfort in the eye area, at times the eyes seem to become cloudy, a slight burning sensation, a feeling of “sand”, redness and itching appear. All this is a reaction to external irritation coming from the monitor. The image on the screen has a different brightness than the one to which our eyes are tuned. The screen flickers and has a certain (pixel) structure, which also damages the optic nerve. The distance from which we are forced to view text and illustrations is not always optimal. All this is reflected in accommodation - the ability of the eye to switch, for example, from a sheet of paper to a monitor and back, causing it to experience incredible overloads. By the way, the first place in safety is occupied by modern liquid crystal monitors in laptops. They also do not add health to the eyes, but at least they do not cripple them so quickly. Spinal syndrome is also called a disease of “white collar workers” - officials, sedentary office workers. Remember what you were told from childhood at school and at home: “Sit up straight, otherwise you will develop scoliosis (curvature of the spine)!” But, having flown into one ear, what was said immediately flew out of the other. Pay attention to how your child is sitting at the computer: he is playing, and the last thing he is thinking about right now is correct posture. And we, adults, frankly, are far from being a model in this sense. Back pain, a “wooden” neck, aching in the lower back - all this begins to be noticed when it is too late to change something. Meanwhile, it is the spine and chest that control the proper functioning of the body’s systems, which is not surprising: man is an upright creature. And hunching and stooping, we try to put our skeleton on all fours, in a position that is unnatural for it. Right there, next to it, chest syndrome has settled in, because a compressed chest interferes with the ventilation of the lungs. All the cells of our body groan, suffocating from lack of oxygen. But we have no time for them - we have an interesting, money-making job, and we sit hunched over in office chairs all day, sometimes even trying to have a snack without looking away from the monitor. Paleness, lethargy, headache at the end of the working day... This is what this syndrome brings us. Sedentary work also provokes the development of venous syndrome. If for a long timekeep the vessels in a bent state, blood circulates poorly throughout the body, and the greatest discomfort is experienced by the legs, swelling or numbness. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a direct result of global computerization. It is associated with the use of a computer mouse and has long been considered one of the most serious problems in foreign countries. Over time, unpleasant sensations appear in the hand: the fingers weaken, the hand becomes numb and heavy. These are the main ones. There are others, more rare. As an addition to the list, you can add cervical radiculitis, dermatitis of the facial skin, plus the possibility of epileptic seizures in especially sensitive people, and the risk of spontaneous miscarriages in pregnant women. As you can see, the disease is serious, and its complexity is that it includes completely different symptoms. A person who has eye problems naturally turns to an ophthalmologist, and someone whose arm literally cramps goes to a surgeon. And different specialists try to treat, as usual, each their own consequence, not suspecting that they are dealing with the same reasons: long-term work with a monitor, improperly organized workplace, problems with keyboard illumination, as well as with a large number of devices (other computers). indoors, etc.). In general, there is an interesting paradox: computer syndrome, while posing a danger to our body, is not itself included in the list of diseases. What does psychology have to do with it? - you ask. And despite the fact that the CS also provokes disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere in users. And increasingly, computer people are complaining about fatigue, apathy, bad mood, irritability - that is, typically psychological problems. The slightest hardware or software failure, slow loading of a program or operating system, a slowdown in a game - this makes many people terribly angry or despondent, and psychologists call such manifestations “computer stress syndrome.” Research conducted in the USA has confirmed that most PC users regularly face a lot of problems, the result of which is unnecessary experiences and suffering. Modern people, whose lives are connected with computers, are increasingly frustrated and irritated in everyday life. You can believe this: for example, to make one mouse click, the brain gives a command to the nerves, which transmit this command to more than 30 muscles of the hand and forearm, which are attached to a supporting frame of 27 bones. Mucous bursae provide tendon glide, and blood vessels bring nutrition and oxygen to the tissues. And all this happens in a matter of seconds. As soon as anything in this process is disrupted, problems arise. Is it any wonder? Due to the above reasons, there has been no full-fledged treatment for CS until today, only prevention, which consists of organizing the workplace so that you can sit as comfortably as possible, make sure that there is a minimum load on your hands, and try to Every hour of the day, do special exercises for your hands and eyes. Another question: how feasible is this given our phenomenal busyness and even more phenomenal laziness? And yet the ice has broken! “Saving drowning people” is entrusted to the latest technologies, in particular, color correction (chromotherapy). At my Psyche center, I build a program for demonstrating color signals of a certain sequence and intensity. After several minutes of viewing such color programs, people note increased strength, improved vision, relief from fatigue, muscle tension, anxiety and other signs of computer syndrome, since the procedure affects the body in a complex way, i.e. solves the problem as a whole. And the most convenient thing is that the treatment can be carried out without leaving your workplace. The background to the programs is therapeutic relaxation music, that is, the result is double: color correction plus audio therapy. Do you want to make sure? Please. On the page www.relax.psyhea.info you can download a free program for treating the consequences of computer syndrome.!