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From the author: Almost all specialists in the helping professions, sooner or later, encounter the phenomenon of resistance. It would seem that the person himself asks for help, comes for a consultation, spends time and pays money, but the request cannot be formulated. Or even the request is formulated correctly, but at the slightest attempt to go deeper into the problem, the person turns on strong resistance. Below I will give an algorithm of topics and questions that will help both the specialist and the client avoid fractures and bumps at this stage. All clients can be roughly divided into three large groups. I. They come with a request to change one thing. (Solve one problem). 1. Find out in detail, ask what it is and how it works.2. Decide for yourself whether I will work with this or not.3. Ask the question: “How do you want me to work with you, how to treat you?” II. They want to solve several problems. (I'm stuck in life. Life has stopped.)1. We collect diagnostics (see below) and deal with issues according to their significance for the client. III. They want to become better. (2-3%) Diagnostics for group II. Block 1. Personality. Physical condition - What worries you? - I will ask a few more questions to more accurately define the problem and method of work. - Tell us about your health. - Describe your physical well-being. - Do you have chronic diseases? - Have you had any serious injuries (abortions)? - Relationships with alcohol (when, in what quantities, what exactly). - Relationships with drugs. - Describe your pathological condition. Block 2. Inner environment. Family.- Your social status?- Relationships with your spouse?- Relationships with children?- Divorces, difficult separations?- Relationships with mom/dad? (If one of the parents died, write down the date and attitude towards death). - Have there been losses in your life (including material ones) that greatly affected you? - Do you have a dependence on any person? Block 3. Work - Tell us about your work? - Relationships with your superiors? - The atmosphere in the team? - Prospects for career growth? - Do you really like what you do? - Have there been any heavy losses related to work? Identify painful incidents in each block .Identify suppressive personalities. Identify problem areas. Diagnosis for Group III. Use Blocks 1-3. Block IV. - Tell us about your attitude towards people? - Were there people in your life who greatly influenced you? (If died, date of death and relationship to it) Block V. - Have you had severe financial or property losses? - Do you have property that is broken or not repaired? Block VI. - Have there been any animal deaths in your life, who influenced you a lot? Block VII.- Tell us about your values ​​and beliefs?- Tell us about love, trust, respect? Block VIII.- Tell us about your faith? Identify problems, people, traumatic events.