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Self-worth is an important component for building oneself as a psychologically healthy and holistic person with adequate self-esteem. The ability to understand one’s worth helps a person to love himself, to be proud of his strengths, abilities, skills and achievements. To realize your own worth, try following these five steps: Write down ten qualities that make you you. Think about what you cannot imagine yourself without, what character traits characterize you? What sets you apart from other people makes you interesting. Whether you are an active and loud person, or a quiet and vulnerable person, embrace these qualities! Realize how they help you. Identify ten reasons for which you can thank yourself. This is a great practice for feeling important both to yourself and to others; reward yourself for your efforts; reinforce the idea that “I’m great,” “I’m good.” Formulate ten goals that you want to achieve. These can be both large-scale, long-term goals and small ones that can be implemented quickly. This is important in order to set a guideline for yourself and focus your attention on meeting your own needs and interests. Indicate ten things that you want to correct or improve in yourself. Valuing yourself means working on yourself! By getting to know ourselves, we become acquainted not only with our positive qualities, but also adequately recognize, for example, skills that should be trained and habits that are better to get rid of. It is important to understand what is preventing you from achieving your goals, how realistic it is to change the situation and what can be done for this now, who can help you with this. The main thing is, don’t blame yourself for the mistakes of the past and don’t take on everything at the same time, try to move gradually, in small steps. Remember that you are doing this for self-improvement, and realizing what you need to work on is already half the success. Make a list of ten of your achievements. If people around you successfully achieve their goals and experience joy, this does not mean that your achievements are worthless . They are still important and mean a lot! Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to who you were yesterday! Good luck to you!